Anonymous ID: bf26cb Aug. 30, 2018, 2:48 p.m. No.2804133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4159 >>4169

Q, and Anons, if I may…

This has been the most incredible thing I have ever witnessed in my life.

I understand we are all waiting for the moment our friends and families turn to us and say,


but it often doesn't happen like that, does it?

It takes time, information, and strategic planning.

Even when it works, people will be embarassed they were so blind, and probably embarassed for how they treated us, too. The good people at least.

But that doesn't promise any apologies, or cushy future.

We are fighting a WAR here.

And we're winning.

And we know it,

thanks to Q.

We all know BIG things are happening,

every single day,

define ungrateful.