Anonymous ID: c3528e Aug. 30, 2018, 2:51 p.m. No.2804185   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>What's more important vindication sooner or WINNING OUR FREEDOM


Why MUST it be One or the Other????


Supposedly there are 45,000 sealed indictments….I see some some action but it is SO Slow….Seriously Glaciers move faster.

Anonymous ID: c3528e Aug. 30, 2018, 3:12 p.m. No.2804468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4477 >>4479 >>4499 >>4525 >>4526 >>4548 >>4558

I understand that the pieces are Not yet in place even after 19 months. That all the traitors have Not yet been fired but I have to ask, “Why?” You say that our side “has it all” and that “we are in control”. Yet the traitors are still inside the government, the crooked judges are still judging. I see NO new legislation to prevent this stuff from happening in the future. Horowitz and Huber are taking forever to do what it is they do…


From my perspective out here in flyover country, it looks like you are holding your fire for political reasons….an October surprise….meanwhile out here in the real world, peoples’ lives are being ruined, relationships destroyed and people are being killed and wounded …..


As prior military in the infantry, I do see the similarities between letting the poor grunts walk into the trap/the roadside bomb/the ambush, just to keep “the plan” from being exposed…I could understand that in the beginning, before you “Had It All”.


ALL the bad things that continue to happen, happen because you choose to let the bad actors continue to operate freely. YOU are in the overwatch and you could Pull the Trigger and shoot the guy planting that roadside bomb in front of our approaching convoy, but you decide that the time is Not yet Right for you to act, so we are on our own….


Our team is NOT the only Team operating. The other side continues to attack/plot/subvert/defame/destroy and we sit here holding our biggest weapons in RESERVE letting the grunts get creamed in the meantime….19 months and we are Still HOLDING Back! Enough is Enough!!!!