Apparently this little jew shill still haven't gotten the message.
We should physically remove these scum from the face of the earth.
Apparently this little jew shill still haven't gotten the message.
We should physically remove these scum from the face of the earth.
It is YOUR job to learn and disseminate appropriately.
Truth must be ORGANIC.
revelation has already started.
How fast you catch up = up to you.
Only the slaves wait for manna from the sky.
they cannot keep their fucking mouths shut to save their own lives, little bitches.
Seconded, now I wonder if Q team will reveal anything regarding or drop hints about 'disney'.
how deeply is the bloodline connected?
clown supercomputers named for what they are is not an accident.
symbolism will be their downfall. they left crumbs all over the place.
Any good starting points, Q team, anons?
unless NRO satellites used by clowns were secretly modified/built to carry additional eqipment…
unless those coronas are not coronas at all (image intelligence) but actually different class all together…
very few actually have the capacity to accurately ID satellites once they are in orbit (only state actors can, and those are controlled by clowns).
who knows what we got in space?
did the clowns actually have the snow white infrastructure in space?
sounding more and more familiar to certain 'medium' and 'shows' by script.
clown controlled.
PAIN coming.
"KH-9 (BYEMAN codename HEXAGON), commonly known as Big Bird[1] or Keyhole-9, was a series of photographic reconnaissance satellites launched by the United States between 1971 and 1986. Of twenty launch attempts by the National Reconnaissance Office, all but one were successful.[2] Photographic film aboard the KH-9 was sent back to Earth in recoverable film return capsules for processing and interpretation. The best ground resolution achieved by the main cameras was better than 0.6 meters.[3] "
Now I know for sure the names do not correlate to actual known sats. Last one was decayed almost 40 years before.
Secret network of clown satellites were launched by space x/others and are being taken down?
Correct. Tip of the iceberg.
But an important tip.
Taking down these actors correlate to world wide uprising and revolution in real time (simultaneous) by various actors to dismantle cabal control.
World is rising up.
Public must wake up.
muzzy invasion of europe will be reversed.
no more foreign intrusion in to the west, or anywhere.
criminals will be exterminated.
islam and judaism will be rendered immobile and punished for their crimes against humanity.
christian churches will be cleansed and empowered to stand up.
people will be free from shackles.
Truth will be known.
clowns will die.
free men will be free.