Anonymous ID: 77a292 Aug. 30, 2018, 5:10 p.m. No.2807141   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7366 >>7472 >>7563

Ripon Wisconsin

""Birthplace of the Republican Party""


Ripon was founded in 1849 by David P. Mapes, a former New York steamboat captain. Within two years the city had absorbed the nearby commune of Ceresco, established in 1844 by the Wisconsin Phalanx, a group of settlers inspired by the communitarian socialist philosophy of Charles Fourier. Mapes was a founder of Ripon College, originally incorporated as Brockway College in 1851.


The city was named for the English cathedral city of Ripon, North Yorkshire, by John S. Horner, one of the community's original settlers, because that was where his immigrant ancestors originated. Horner also named most of the streets. His house is still standing today.


""The Little White School House""


Meeting at a school house in Ripon on February 28, 1854, some 30 opponents of the Kansas-Nebraska Act called for the organization of a new political party (to link their cause with the Declaration of Independence). The group also took a leading role in the creation of the Republican Party in many northern states during the summer of 1854. While conservatives and many moderates were content merely to call for the restoration of the Missouri Compromise or a prohibition of slavery extension, the group insisted that no further political compromise with slavery was possible.


The February 1854 meeting was the first political meeting of the group that would become the Republican Party. The modern Ripon Society, a Republican think tank, takes its name from Ripon, Wisconsin.


September 11, 2018


""Liberals attack 911 Truthers at Birthplace of the Republican Party"


There are some lines that can't be crossed ANONS! You know what to do.




""Wisconsin College Bans Students From Posting ‘Never Forget’ 9/11 Posters Due to ‘Anti-Muslim Bias’""


""Ripon College administrators should rethink their idiotic ban of 9/11 posters""