Anonymous ID: 990982 Aug. 30, 2018, 5:17 p.m. No.2807346   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7461 >>7472 >>7563

Staff are drawn from GCHQ (UK) and the NSA (U.S.), and the station is operated under the UKUSA agreement, gathering data for the ECHELON signals intelligence (SIGINT) network. Comparable stations in operation include RAF Menwith Hill (UK), Sugar Grove Station (West Virginia, U.S.), Yakima (Washington, U.S.), Sabana Seca (Puerto Rico), Misawa Air Base (Japan), Pine Gap (Australia), Geraldton (Australia), GCSB Waihopai (New Zealand), and GCSB Tangimoana (New Zealand), that cover other INTELSAT areas such as South America and the Pacific Ocean.[10]