Anonymous ID: adc5df Aug. 30, 2018, 5:15 p.m. No.2807312   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If you find meaning in everything you read, see, experience, believe everything happens for a reason then you know everything about yourself.

How you interpret the world, the people and everything else is a product of you.

You is everything.


Assume everything else follows some function f(t) and you sit on g(t).

At some point in time if you see by how much something will change (find meaning). Then you will know by how much you also will change. df/dt = dg/dt. Meaning f(t) = g(t).

You can tell by how much everything will change just by observing the current state (value of f(t)). The value itself tells by how much everything will change.

df/dt = f(t) → de(t)/dt = e(t)