Anonymous ID: 8355bc Aug. 30, 2018, 5:31 p.m. No.2807689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7719 >>7909



I call BS on this first 'story' (looks like Saddam's wmds),


Israel Busts Hamas Network In Hebron, Judaism's 2nd Holiest City



‘No place for the weak’: Netanyahu threatens Iran & Syria at nuclear reactor ceremony

The Middle East is “no place for the weak. The weak crumble, are slaughtered and are erased from history while the strong, for good or for ill, survive,” Netanyahu said on Wednesday, at the ceremony to rename a nuclear research facility in the Negev after the former Prime Minister Shimon Peres. “The strong are respected, and alliances are made with the strong, and in the end peace is made with the strong.”

“But our enemies know very well what Israel is capable of doing. They are familiar with our policy. Whoever tries to hurt us – we hurt them,” he added.

“No agreement between Syria and Iran will deter us; neither will any threat deter us,” he said. “Whoever threatens us with destruction puts himself in similar danger, and in any case will not achieve his goal.”


Zarif slams Netanyahu for ‘shameless’ threat of ‘nuclear annihilation’ against Iran


Russia Sends Warships to Syrian Shores as US Suspected of Preparing Strike


Russia warns US not to ‘play with fire’ in Syria – Lavrov


Russia successfully tests new interceptor missile


Zakharova : Conditions ripe in Syria for complete elimination of terrorist organizations


Kinda looks like Turkey and Israel are surrounded, what do you think?


YPG Cells Carry Out Series Of Operations Against Turkish-Backed Fighters In Afrin (Video)


Then this happens:


Turkey Is Trying To Convince Hayat Tahrir al-Sham To Disband Itself – Report


Now Q is taking out their computer networks and access to everything including weapons! Surrounded check mate???


Capturing a Very Dangerous Animal




15 Nov 2017 - 3:51:10 AM

How do you capture a very dangerous animal?

Do you attack it from the front?

Do you walk through the front door?

Do you signal ahead of time you will be attacking?

How do you distinguish between good and bad?

Who do you trust to keep secrets?

How do you prevent leaks?

Who do you trust to complete the mission?

How do you prevent warnings being sent?

Why is Adm R. so important?

Why was the source code to former NSA collection p’s publicly released?

How do you blind the Clowns In America?

What was Snowden’s primary mission?

What was Snowden’s real primary mission?

Was Snowden truly acting on his own?

Nothing is as it appears.

What show is being put on by AG Sessions since his confirmation?

What show is being put on by POTUS since AG Sessions’ confirmation?

Why was AG Sessions’ confirmation challenged heavily?

Why was RR’s confirmation smooth and easy?

What was the vote count for RR?

Why did Sessions recuse himself?

Why is this relevant?

What group has vocally supported RM repeatedly?

How do you capture a very dangerous animal?

Who is best to conduct the attack?

What is the one force necessary to retain control?

Why does the US Military play such a vital role in this global game of RISK?

What is money without power?

Why did POTUS depart Manila 30 min ahead of schedule?

Why is AF1 landing in Hawaii?

Does AF1 have in-air refueling ability?

Nothing is as it appears.

What was the DC vote breakdown between Trump & Clinton?

What is the nickname for DC?

Why would sealed indictments be outside of DC jurisdiction?

What purpose would this serve?

Why are judicial appointments being rapidly completed?

Who can you trust?

Have faith, Patriots.


Anonymous ID: 8355bc Aug. 30, 2018, 5:38 p.m. No.2807868   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump: CNN’s Trump Tower Story Source ‘Doesn’t Exist,’ ‘Credibility Is Now Gone’

Anonymous ID: 8355bc Aug. 30, 2018, 5:40 p.m. No.2807924   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Iraqi Prime Minister Sacks National Security Aide – Reports


MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Abadi fired his national security adviser and head of the Shiite militia for lack of impartiality, Falih Alfayyadh, local media said Friday.


A statement, published by the Rudaw news agency, said Alfayyadh was removed for "getting involved in practicing political and partisan work, and his wish to address political affairs, which goes against the critical national tasks he is holding."


Abadi reportedly pointed to the national constitution, which stipulates neutrality of intelligence and security officials and bans them from "exploiting" their position in political activities. The decision is effective immediately.


In July, Iraqi authorities have arrested Mahdi Gharrawi, the former commander of operations in the country’s northern Nineveh province, in connection to the allegations of surrendering Iraq's second largest city of Mosul to the Daesh terror group four years ago.


In 2015, a probe launched by the Iraqi parliament found Gharrawi, as well as 35 other officials, including former Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Maliki, a former Mosul governor, and a former acting defense minister, responsible for the June 2014 defeat.

Anonymous ID: 8355bc Aug. 30, 2018, 5:46 p.m. No.2808069   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bank of America Freezes Immigrant Bank Accounts


Bank of America has frozen the accounts of Saeed Moshfegh, an Iranian student getting his Ph.D. in physics at the University of Miami who has been in the country for more than a decade. To maintain the accounts, all he had to do was show proof of legal residency every six months, however, earlier this month, that all changed.


“I think it’s onerous, but I’d been doing it,” said Moshfegh, who has lived in Florida for the past seven years.


Earlier this month, Moshfegh went to his local branch in the South Miami district. He was instructed that the documentation this time could not be accepted. Bank officials insisted he produce different paperwork, according to Moshfegh.

Anonymous ID: 8355bc Aug. 30, 2018, 5:53 p.m. No.2808272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8354

China’s Ministry of State Security Is Operating in Silicon Valley, Says Former Intel Officer


The Chinese regime’s Ministry of State Security (MSS) and Russia’s intelligence services are running spy operations in Silicon Valley, says former senior U.S. Navy intelligence officer John Jordan.


According to Jordan, the MSS and Russian spy networks have been active in Silicon Valley since the 1970s. The Russian networks initially focused on advancing Soviet interests for political and military espionage, particularly around a naval base in Alameda and an Army base in the Presidio.


The Chinese operations, on the other hand, have continued unabated. Their focus is on the theft of technology, with the long-term goal to help the Chinese Communist Party catch up with and surpass the United States technologically and economically. Over time, the Russian operations have also switched focus in a similar way to the Chinese operations, Jordan said.


In the current environment, he said, the Chinese MSS is engaged in many operations to steal U.S. innovation, and includes the use of controlled Chinese student associations, foreign investment, recruitment of innovators, and other methods.