Anonymous ID: d14e22 Aug. 30, 2018, 5:53 p.m. No.2808256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8308 >>8357 >>8385

Been looking through the notable to see if this has been posted yet. It doesn't seem to have been though it may have been a regular post from an Anon.




An obvious remote car hack homicide by police:


This is double posted, which I can't fix in combat mode. It's a doozie, another obvious remote controlled car crash.


The police say she died in a car accident because her boyfriend cut a piece out of a brake line in her car to make a crack pipe. However, it appears the police murdered her because she was a key witness in a prison rape case. Also, losing the brakes totally nowadays is usually impossible because most cars made after 1990 have independent braking reservoirs for left and right brakes. I checked, and the 2004 Sonata does have independent left and right brakes but I could not get a picture of the inside of the reservoir. If it is split inside (half way down or so) a cut brake line can't cause total brake failure. It is unlikely the Hyundai Sonata can lose all brakes in one shot, let alone the parking brake to boot. So I doubt any crack pipe boyfriend cut the brakes. Here's what fairly obviously really happened:


She was a key witness to a rape case involving prison guards, and someone wanted her disposed of. HERE IS THE PUNCH LINE:


"Fox, a Jersey City native, was driving her black Hyundai Sonata about 10 a.m. Aug. 22 west on Pine Street in Scranton when "her vehicle began to accelerate," police say in a news release.


The car crossed through the intersection of Pine Street and North Washington Avenue where it "violently struck a tree, " according to police.


MY SALIENT COMMENT: How did the police know her car accelerated? Since when has a cut brake line caused a car to accelerate through an intersection and into a tree? OBVIOUS REMOTE CONTROL HACK because she was a witness to state crimes and someone wanted her dead. Losing the brakes does not cause your car to accelerate and smash itself into a tree.


'''SEE THIS>'''


for the fake cover story, and This for the real cause of death it does not get any more cut and dried than this.


Here is why she was killed:


"Fox is one of the victims who came forward in 2016 to allege she was repeatedly sexually abused while incarcerated at the county prison.


Her testimony before a statewide investigative grand jury led to charges against three of the seven former guards arrested in February: Mark A. Johnson, James J. Walsh and John Shnipes Jr.


It was not clear Thursday how her death will impact the cases.''



Anonymous ID: d14e22 Aug. 30, 2018, 5:57 p.m. No.2808357   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Where it says "for the fake cover story, and This for the real cause of death" I didn't put this link in after the word 'This'. So here it is: