Anonymous ID: f5a3fb Aug. 30, 2018, 5:31 p.m. No.2807678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7731

Transcripts from the Billy Meier contact reports.




Thank you for your remarks. Then now a question about the so-called Roswell Case. Did a UFO actually crash there? Even though you have already confirmed this once, there are still some things that remain unclear, even with regard to the UFO crew, concerning which you said that they were androids. So what were the occupants really, and from where did the aliens come?



  1. The Roswell Case is a reality because the UFO crash actually took place there, but this is denied up to the present day and will continue to be denied in the distant future by the American military and Secret Services, as well as by all government agencies, namely with flimsy, changing, stupid, and ridiculous excuses that will only surely testify to the fact that everything actually happened.

  2. With the crashed object, it concerned a beamship from the Reticulum systems.

  3. The crew did not consist of natural human life forms but of human androids of a bioorganic nature, which means that they were artificial human androids, which the US-Army also got a hold of, some living and some dead, and these were secretly kept in secret stations.


Much more but I wont post. Way to long. If anyone wants to read it all just ask.

Anonymous ID: f5a3fb Aug. 30, 2018, 5:55 p.m. No.2808318   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is similar to the Lord of the Rings.


When the dark side is neutralized.

Birds sing louder. Butterflies flutter freely. Babies giggle cuter. Lovers love more intensely. Families embrace AGAIN

I can even hear the grass gasping with relief.


Thank you God

Thank you Q.

Thank you Anons.

Thank you citizens.

A nation is nothing without citizens.
