Anonymous ID: 6871a5 Aug. 30, 2018, 6:35 p.m. No.2809245   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We will see.

bibi better know who his real daddy is.

We are all at the ready.

israel without roths is nothing.

neither are muzzies.

controllers will fall.

pawns will be violated.

no evil will be left alive.

Anonymous ID: 6871a5 Aug. 30, 2018, 6:37 p.m. No.2809318   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2809168 lb

Those who believe they can continue their subversive ways in this age will be terminated with extreme prejudice.

Anonymous ID: 6871a5 Aug. 30, 2018, 6:43 p.m. No.2809490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9780 >>9847


Q confirms.



"From 1991 to 2002 Weissmann worked in the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of New York. While there he tried more than 25 cases involving members of the Genovese, Colombo and Gambino crime families.[1] He led the prosecution team in the Vincent Gigante case, in which Gigante was convicted.[3]


From 2002 to 2005, Weissmann was deputy director and then director of the task force investigating the Enron scandal.[1] His work resulted in the prosecution of more than 30 people for crimes including perjury, fraud, and obstruction including three of Enron's top executives, Andrew Fastow, Kenneth Lay. and Jeffrey Skilling. In a follow-up case in U.S. District Court, Weissmann also was successful at arguing that auditing firm Arthur Andersen LLP had covered up for Enron. In that case, which resulted in the destruction of Andersen, he convinced the district judge to instruct the jury that they could convict the firm regardless of whether its employees knew they were violating the law.[3] That ruling was later unanimously overturned by the Supreme Court in Arthur Andersen LLP v. United States, in which the court held that "the jury instructions failed to convey the requisite consciousness of wrongdoing."[3]


In 2005 Weissmann worked as special counsel under Mueller at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, then went into private practice at Jenner & Block in New York. In 2011 he returned to the FBI, serving as General Counsel under Mueller.[4] Since 2015 he has headed the criminal fraud section at DOJ. Weissmann has taught at NYU School of Law, Fordham Law School, and Brooklyn Law School.[2] On June 19, 2017 he joined Special Counsel Mueller's team in investigating the Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections.[5][6]. "


So this is the go-to legal hitman for the clowns to dispose of unnecessary pawns, clean up mess in the aftermath of a scheme, and now sticking with mueller to attempting a coup against POTUS and Patriots.


One question:


"The Lawrence Franklin espionage scandal (also known as the AIPAC espionage scandal) refers to Lawrence Franklin's scandal of passing classified documents regarding United States policy towards Iran to Israel through American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Franklin, a former United States Department of Defense employee, pleaded guilty to several espionage-related charges and was sentenced in January 2006 to nearly 13 years of prison, which was later reduced to ten months house arrest. Franklin passed information to AIPAC policy director Steven Rosen and AIPAC senior Iran analyst Keith Weissman, who later were fired by AIPAC. They were later indicted for illegally conspiring to gather and disclose classified national security information to Israel.[1]"


Is this related, Q team?