Anonymous ID: 69cff0 Aug. 30, 2018, 6:36 p.m. No.2809267   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9336 >>9372 >>9433 >>9780 >>9847



The American spy stayed in northern Cornwall for three weeks. He was delighted with the picturesque setting, with its dramatic cliffs and views of the Atlantic.


In a classified report, the NSA employee also raved about the British signals intelligence agency GCHQ's field of antennas, located high above the Atlantic coast, about 300 kilometers (190 miles) west of London. Her Majesty's agents have been working at the site, where 29 satellite antennas are aimed skyward, for decades. The Cornwall intelligence base, once part of the Echelon global signals intelligence network, was previously known as "Morwenstow." Today the site is known as "GCHQ Bude."

Anonymous ID: 69cff0 Aug. 30, 2018, 6:49 p.m. No.2809650   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9725 >>9762 >>9887

Shipp article mentions Q


Shipp: “That’s the big question, Gregg, is what in the world, what kind of power does this woman and her criminal husband -what kind of power do they have, that would motivate these high officials in our government to cover up actual criminal violations, cover up fraud, and all of this, and protect her? This goes outside our government, it goes to billions of foreign dollars…I’ll give you one example.

James Comey, he goes all the way back to Whitewater, he was part of the Whitewater investigation. She greased the skids and got him a position at Lockheed Martin, a major contributor to the Clinton Foundation, where he made $6 million in one year.