Anonymous ID: b49146 Aug. 30, 2018, 6:53 p.m. No.2809719   🗄️.is 🔗kun

And to no one's surprise, Andrew Weissmann's wife was paid $44,000 for her work at Fusion GPS.


"California GOP Rep. Darrell Issa said Ohr testified that his wife was paid $44,000 by Fusion GPS. As TheDCNF has reported, Ohr did not disclose his wife’s Fusion income on his annual ethics disclosure form."


Joe DiGenova, on Weissmann being assigned to prosecute Manafort:

""What you are watching is what is called in the Justice Department an in terrorem prosecution," diGenova explained bitterly. "The use of terror legal tactics to destroy a human being — to try and force him to cooperate when he has nothing to cooperate with…. He has chosen his Jack the Ripper-like leader Andrew Weissmann to use the type of tactics that are properly reserved for mafia gangs, for terrorists — and they have converted Paul Manafort into this ugly creature," he fumed.


Weissmann has an ugly, ugly reputation.

Anonymous ID: b49146 Aug. 30, 2018, 7 p.m. No.2809858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9879

Man, what seems like years ago now, back on The_Donald, I had an entire list of Mueller's special counsel, all the names and bio paragraphs for all of them.

All Democrats, all with axes to grind.

Maybe it was on CBTS. Can't remember now.