Anonymous ID: 15226a Aug. 30, 2018, 8:41 p.m. No.2811654   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani suggested the Department of Justice should investigate its own employee, Bruce Ohr, over payments his wife received from Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that commissioned the Steele dossier.


Writing on Twitter, Giuliani questioned whether the Justice Department has opened an investigation into whether Ohr had a written waiver for his wife’s work for Fusion GPS.


“What are the odds the DOJ or Mueller have begun an investigation of Bruce Ohr for violating 18 USC sec. 208? That’s a federal felony unless he disclosed all facts to the DOJ and has a written waiver. How many of you know what that is?” Giuliani wrote.


Ohr’s wife, a Russia expert named Nellie Ohr, worked for Fusion GPS as part of its Democrat-funded investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government.


The law firm that represented the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee (DNC) paid Fusion GPS just over $1 million to investigate Trump. Fusion, which was founded by three former Wall Street Journal reporters, paid Steele $178,000 for his work. Nellie Ohr was paid $44,000, according to California Republican Rep. Darrell Issa, who took part in Ohr’s hearing Tuesday.


The Daily Caller News Foundation reported that Ohr did not obtain a conflict of interest waiver from the Justice Department for his wife’s work.


According to Giuliani, a former U.S. attorney, Ohr’s wife receiving money on the dossier project would constitute “a crime unless he has a written waiver from Obama’s politicized DOJ which is possible.”


Asked for comment, a Justice Department spokeswoman referred the matter to the DOJ’s office of the inspector general.

Anonymous ID: 15226a Aug. 30, 2018, 8:55 p.m. No.2811891   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1904 >>1985 >>2120

Bishop Tobin calls for investigation of Pope Francis


Bishop Thomas J. Tobin of the Diocese of Providence is calling for an investigation of Pope Francis amid allegations that the pope covered up for an American ex-cardinal accused of sexual misconduct.


In a letter, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, who is a former Vatican official, claims that Pope Francis knew about sexual misconduct allegations against the former archbishop of Washington, Theodore McCarrick, but rehabilitated him anyway.


While Viganò is urging Pope Francis to resign, Bishop Tobin said the pope should address the matter as soon as possible.


“First, I need to emphasize that I do not have any privileged information about this matter, nor do I have the facts necessary to come to a definitive, impartial judgement,” Bishop Tobin noted in a statement. “Nonetheless, the allegations lodged by Archbishop Viganò involving Pope Francis are substantive, and need to be investigated in a prompt and just manner.”


Francis was asked by a U.S. reporter during an airborne press conference Sunday if Vigano's claims that the two discussed the McCarrick allegations in 2013 were true. Francis was also asked about Vigano's claims that McCarrick was already under sanction at the time, but that Francis rehabilitated him.


Francis said he had read Vigano's document and trusted journalists to judge for themselves.


"It's an act of trust," he said. "I won't say a word about it."


Bishop Tobin said several members of his diocesan family asked him for his reaction on the matter, prompting him to issue a statement.


“The present impasse in the Church, unfolding on an international level, has caused confusion and division among the faithful, even locally,” the bishop said. “Only Pope Francis can resolve the serious crisis in which the Church now finds herself, and I respectfully urge His Holiness to address this matter as soon as possible. The future direction of the Church, its spiritual welfare, and the faith of God’s people, are at stake.”


But Bishop Tobin is facing scrutiny, as well, as he said he was aware of allegations of sexual abuse while he was working as an auxiliary bishop in Pennsylvania, but could not act because he was not responsible for clergy issues. He said he had an administrative role in the church, such as handling budgets and property.


Meanwhile, Bishop Tobin also defended the pope.


“I remind myself and the faithful of the Diocese of Providence that Pope Francis is the duly elected Bishop of Rome,” the bishop said. “He is the Vicar of Christ, our Supreme Pastor, and our spiritual father. Regardless of our perception of current events, the Holy Father needs and deserves our respect, our prayers and our affection, now as much as ever. Members of a family do not abandon their father, even in difficult times.


Pope Francis accepted McCarrick's resignation as cardinal in July, after a U.S. church investigation determined that an accusation he had sexually abused a minor was credible.