Anonymous ID: 6981f7 Aug. 30, 2018, 9:10 p.m. No.2812138   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2202

reminder anons and news for newfags:

CTA is a division tactic to split anons

by shills paid to undermine this board.

(and more and more desperate every day)

It is used in combination with Kayfabe tactics


Each shill tactic is recycled in tandem. for example, tonights memo was CTA. Last nights was emotional manipulation (you should feel bad b/c boobs)

As far as we can tell, the tactics cycle on a regular rotation. Agent provocateur handlers decide which tactics to use, and this seems to be on the fly depending upon what's going on in the thread.


These tactics and much more, are on the shill research thread at