Anonymous ID: 044d38 Aug. 31, 2018, 1:05 a.m. No.2813992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4002


Now there's some nineties nostalgia for an X'er.

Thanks anon.



Yeah, but I can't tell if it's just cuz I'm so damn tired kek.

Has been such a long fight.

Xtra comfy being here with you all rn tho.


Anonymous ID: 044d38 Aug. 31, 2018, 1:15 a.m. No.2814047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4052

>>2813891, >>2813874

I'm so happy to hear this.

Like many USanons,

I'm a mix of Euro heritages.

But am half German/Hungarian,

and it has broken my heart

what they've done to German folk.

Especially after learning the truth

about their role in WWII history.

Praying for Deutschland.

Will raise a glass

when freed.

Anonymous ID: 044d38 Aug. 31, 2018, 1:35 a.m. No.2814137   🗄️.is 🔗kun


'night anon



>The 3am shill crew just clocked in, tonight’s play is to tie Q to a known white nationalist with a criminal record and act if this moron had prior knowledge. Started by RobotInteriors on IG.

Kek. Almost as fun as the Dink/KentStaters last night. "But crumbs are crumbs, baker!!"

Anonymous ID: 044d38 Aug. 31, 2018, 2:01 a.m. No.2814212   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4236 >>4251 >>4269 >>4274



I'm having a hard time saucing this, Anon. I know you're phonefagging, so I tried. I got the fas link, but I'd like an official/primary sauce rather than one of these secondaries. Can any Anon help find primary sauce on this if you want to see it noted?

Ty, baker

Anonymous ID: 044d38 Aug. 31, 2018, 2:36 a.m. No.2814305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4427

Basket of deNotables

#3556 Baker Change

>>2814288 90's: US missile tech to China via Loral Space Comms/Huges Electronics Corp

>>2814085, >>2814269, >>2814288 1995 EO on Sat-Intel: BC gave Corona the declas/okay to C_A

>>2814110 2013 art on GCHQ: 850,000 NSA employees/contractors had access to db's

>>2814070 Saudi Prince heading to S. Korea, who may build nuc power plants in SA

>>2813907, >>2813991, >>2814006, >>2814015, >>2814029, >>2814049 Anons: "NSA No Moar"

>>2813993 Nearing Ch12 of Alice in Wonderland: "Alice's Evidence"

>>2813980 RiverAnon's insight into why spirals for kiddie chasers: "It's a trap!"

>>2813873 No IDEN for Whitey: Macron Tells Denmark ‘No Such Thing as a True Dane'

Anonymous ID: 044d38 Aug. 31, 2018, 3:26 a.m. No.2814417   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Tonight, I have seriously questioned my, “agnosticism.”

I've been there Anon. Anyone genuinely seeking truth eventually has. I came to it thru study of everything–science, literature, religion, mysticism etc.– and eventually became convinced the bible was true for the same reason I believe Q is real: the sheer number of future-proves-past alignments. As well as the feels. The positive feels of being loved and loving back when you are engaged in the work are a kind of proof in themselves. I don't attend church or anything, (most are comp'd these days, sad but true). I just read and pray.



A few weeks ago, an Anon was posting who claimed to be close to Gen. Flynn, and asked for our prayers for the next day when they were going before (((them))) in a hearing. I said I'd pray all night, and wew lads, all I can say is I got hit with some seriously dark, heavy shit. I come a family who sold out to the cabal, but I've fought my way out. And once I confronted whatever it was that had the poster coming here for spiritual support, all the worst of it came back. I was sposed to bake and I couldn't, kek. "Spiritual attack" I said. Bc was true. The one thing they want you to do is to give up. That’s why it’s the only thing you have to commit to: never to give up the fight. That’s all it takes to win in the end.

Bc, well, God wins.

Anonymous ID: 044d38 Aug. 31, 2018, 4:06 a.m. No.2814502   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4514 >>4552

#3556 Baker Change

>>2814460 Can't Barrage the Farage, unless its w/support for MAYOR OF LONDON!!

>>2814450 2005: C_A's secretive war game "Silent Horizon" v. cyberattack

>>2814433 HRC’s Campaign Implicated in $84 Million Campaign Finance Scandal

>>2814427 "QAnon Great Awakening:" New Q info Vid set to Dink's Green Mind

>>2814423 Too little too late: Merkel in Senegal trying to "stem illegal immigr'n"

>>2814416 NYT on United Arab Emirates, Israeli spyware, smartphones & "dissidents"

>>2814380 Redmond CEO charged with fraud on more than 100 H-1B visa applications

>>2814370 Reverso-World: When Univ. of IL gives Hussein "Ethics in Gov." Award.

>>2814336, >>2814391 Some confirms in Rally: Fight fight fight, The world is watching

>>2814330 Rep. Gohmert of TX: FBI deceptive re: story on Chinese hacking of HRC

>>2814329 Resignation: Thailand's Nok Air CEO Piya Yodmani

>>2814319, >>2814340, >>2814425 Apple & Arista's CEOs & Zuck sell $ Millions in shares

>>2814310 DC Anon tells of chance convo with Aussie diplomat: "high hopes" indeed

>>2814293 An Enormous Crime: Account of American POW's Abandoned in SE Asia

>>2814288 90's: US missile tech to China via Loral Space Comms/Huges Electronics Corp

>>2814085, >>2814269, >>2814288 1995 EO on Sat-Intel: BC gave Corona the declas/okay to C_A

>>2814110 2013 art on GCHQ: 850,000 NSA employees/contractors had access to db's

>>2814070 Saudi Prince heading to S. Korea, who may build nuc power plants in SA

>>2813907, >>2813991, >>2814006, >>2814015, >>2814029, >>2814049 Anons on "NSA No Moar"

>>2813993 Nearing Ch12 of Alice in Wonderland: "Alice's Evidence"

>>2813980 RiverAnon's insight into why spirals for kiddie chasers: "It's a trap!"

>>2813873 No IDEN for Whitey: Macron Tells Denmark ‘No Such Thing as a True Dane'



Ty for your service, sir.

Aim High, Fly-Fight-Win