Anonymous ID: 0733f4 Aug. 31, 2018, 2:39 a.m. No.2814311   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4322 >>4368 >>4417

So, I am not a religiousfag. In fact, I am probably most identifiable as agnostic. That being said, tonight, while on a 7 hr road trip home from a work trip, at 2am, I was overcome with a feeling that POTUS, Q, we Anons, Patriots and (strangely for me) Christians, have been under attack by /them/ via voodoo or rituals or…whatever you may call it. I felt it so powerful that I had to admit to myself that some very bad people are trying to unleash some very bad energy or spirits upon us and this Great Awakening. I’m definitely not the praying type, but tonight I prayed. I have not felt compelled to prayer like this in a VERY long time.


Folks, I encourage you to continue the fight. THEY are shuddering. I can truly feel this inside. And, if you are so inclined, pray for POTUS, Q, each other, and yourself, to stay the course. Together, THEY simply do NOT have a fraction of the power to defeat this movement.


Their faith in…whatever false, impotent gods they believe in, no matter what level of power those “gods” may have demonstrated to them, is NOTHING compared to a single soul with purity and love toward others in their heart.


We win in the end. There is no other outcome. But, I pray for all involved in this fight on OUR side.


Thanks for letting me slide the board slightly, for a moment.


Now, I return you to your regularly scheduled Q ass-whoopin of the Cabal!

Anonymous ID: 0733f4 Aug. 31, 2018, 3:07 a.m. No.2814379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4402 >>4417


There is definitely a positive, “feeling,” to this movement. Spirituality, I guess. It’s one thing to know that /they/ are occultists and do bad shit, but quite another thing to get an overpowering feeling of, “right,” when you know you are part of the fight against them. Tonight, I have seriously questioned my, “agnosticism.” If God exists, he is definitely on our side. This is a true battle between good and evil and it’s powerful.