Anonymous ID: 1e70bf Aug. 31, 2018, 1:09 a.m. No.2814017   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4337

About Challenge Cup #1776


1776 Challenge Cup in partnership with Revolution and powered by UNION is much more than a competition — it’s a movement of startups bringing world-changing ideas to life and solving meaningful problems on a global stage. Challenge Cup Global Finals convenes investors, policymakers, and innovators from across the globe to examine and discuss pressing global challenges.


1776 started Challenge Cup four years ago to discover the most promising, highly scalable startups poised to solve complex challenges across borders, regulated industries and emerging technologies. This year, Challenge Cup is presented in partnership with investment firm Revolution, an active champion for the emergence of entrepreneurial communities and startups outside of Silicon Valley. This partnership reinforces 1776’s and Revolution’s core belief around startups and innovation: great companies can start and scale anywhere.


Challenge Cup takes place in 75 cities. In each of these cities, 1776 partners with a leading local startup program to host a Challenge Cup experience on 1776’s UNION Network, a digital platform that connects startup ecosystems around the world. These qualifying competitions identify one winning startup from each city to advance to Virtual Semifinals via UNION. From there, the top 20 startups are chosen as the Challenge Cup Global Finalists. At Global Finals, one lucky winner will receive a $100,000 investment from Revolution, the DC-based investment firm!


Note: Not enough room in this post but check out the membership companies involved in this program.

Anonymous ID: 1e70bf Aug. 31, 2018, 2:11 a.m. No.2814241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4337 >>4493 >>4514

>>2813596 (pb)

Top cybersecurity firm targeted by hackers


Anon's I am very suspicious of this company, they don't look to be good actors in cybersecurity, the connections are very shady it looks to be a set up with regard to pointing out cyber boogie men look at these posts I what I mean is this article from last year, states they were hacked, this year they make the connection to Iran. Look at the leaders of this company. Mandiant is the parent company who implicated China in cyber espionage in 2013, there is a long history here and we know the truth about these countries, so why are we not giving this more careful consideration?

Anonymous ID: 1e70bf Aug. 31, 2018, 2:45 a.m. No.2814330   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4502

FBI 'very deceptive' in rebutting story on Chinese firm hacking Clinton emails, GOP lawmaker says


Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, rebuffed the FBI after it issued a denial in response to a report that said an unidentified Chinese company hacked former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's unauthorized private email server. In a report published earlier this week, the Daily Caller News Foundation cited sources that said a Chinese-state owned firm located in the Washington, D.C., area had access to Clinton's emails in real time courtesy of a code embedded in the New York-based server which then made copies of the emails, some of which contained classified information. In response, an agency spokesman said: “The FBI has not found any evidence the servers were compromised." But Gohmert, who told Fox News on Tuesday that a foreign entity had obtained Clinton's emails but did not identify from which country, put out a statement that emphasized it was not the FBI but rather the intelligence community inspector general that discovered the hack. “It’s not surprising that the FBI ‘has not found any evidence’ regarding Clinton’s servers being breached," Gohmert said. "Like I stated to Former FBI Agent Peter Strzok in the House Judiciary Hearing, it was the Obama-appointed Intelligence Community Inspector General that discovered the breach. It was not the FBI that found it, so their statement was technically correct, but very deceptive in its omission."


In that hearing last month, where former FBI agent Peter Strzok had been testifying, Gohmert said intelligence community inspector general officials had informed Strzok and other top bureau officials of an "anomaly" found in Clinton's server. But Strzok, who led the FBI investigation into Clinton's emails, did not act on that information, Gohmert asserted. Strzok acknowledged the meeting took place, but did not recall what was said. He was fired from the FBI earlier this month for anti-Trump text messages he exchanged with former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, with whom he as having an affair.


In his statement Wednesday evening, Gohmert suggested that Strzok and his colleagues decided not to pursue the hacked emails tip because "they knew this would devastate Hillary Clinton’s chances of being elected and they were not about to let that happen. "Fortunately, progress is currently being made at the FBI, and there are good people there who are making a difference," he continued. "Unfortunately, the FBI’s deceptive omission in its statement reveals that the FBI has not been completely cleansed of the partisanship that so pervasively corrupted it in Washington, D.C.” The Daily Caller's ex-intelligence officer source said the inspector general of the intelligence community “discovered the anomaly pretty early in 2015.” The report has elicited a response from President Trump. “Report just out: 'China hacked Hillary Clinton’s private Email Server.' Are they sure it wasn’t Russia (just kidding!)? What are the odds that the FBI and DOJ are right on top of this? Actually, a very big story. Much classified information!” Trump posted to Twitter Tuesday night.

Anonymous ID: 1e70bf Aug. 31, 2018, 3:25 a.m. No.2814416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4502

Hacking a Prince, an Emir and a Journalist to Impress a Client


The rulers of the United Arab Emirates had been using Israeli spyware for more than a year, secretly turning the smartphones of dissidents at home or rivals abroad into surveillance devices. So when top Emirati officials were offered a pricey update of the spying technology, they wanted to make sure it worked, according to leaked emails submitted Thursday in two lawsuits against the spyware’s maker, the Israel-based NSO Group. Could the company secretly record the phones of the emir of Qatar, a regional rival, the Emiratis asked? How about the phone of a powerful Saudi prince who directed the kingdom’s national guard? Or what about recording the phone of the editor of a London-based Arab newspaper? “Please find two recordings attached,” a company representative wrote back four days later, according to the emails. Appended were two recordings the company had made of calls by the editor, Abdulaziz Alkhamis, who confirmed this week that he had made the calls and said he did not know he was under surveillance.


The NSO Group’s actions are now at the heart of the twin lawsuits accusing the company of actively participating in illegal spying — part of a global effort to confront the growing arms race in the world of spyware. As private companies develop and sell cutting-edge surveillance technology to governments for tens of millions of dollars, human rights groups say the scant oversight over the practice invites rampant misuse. And no company is more central to the battle than the NSO Group, one of the best-known creators of spyware that invades smartphones. The two lawsuits, filed in Israel and Cyprus, were brought by a Qatari citizen and by Mexican journalists and activists who were all targeted by the company’s spyware. In Mexico, the NSO Group has sold the surveillance technology to the Mexican government on the explicit condition that it be used only against criminals and terrorists. Yet some of the nation’s most prominent human rights lawyers, journalists and anti-corruption activists have been targeted instead. Many are now plaintiffs in the lawsuits. The government of Panama also purchased the spyware, and the president at the time used it to spy on his political rivals and critics, according to court documents in a case there. Whenever challenged, the company has said that it merely sells the technology to governments, which agree to deploy it exclusively against criminals but then operate it on their own.


The new lawsuits include leaked documents and emails that directly challenge the company’s repeated assertions that it is not responsible for any illegal surveillance conducted by the governments that buy its spyware. In the case of the U.A.E., the lawsuits argue, an affiliate of the NSO Group attempted to spy on foreign government officials — and successfully recorded the calls of a journalist — at the request of its Emirati customers four years ago. The technology works by sending text messages to a target’s smartphone, hoping to bait the person into clicking on them. If the user does, the spyware, known as Pegasus, is secretly downloaded, enabling governments to monitor phone calls, emails, contacts and potentially even face-to-face conversations conducted nearby. For the U.A.E., documents show, an affiliate of the NSO Group specifically suggested language for the corrupting text messages. Many were tailored for the Persian Gulf with seemingly innocuous invitations like “Ramadan is near — incredible discounts” and “keep your car tires from exploding in the heat.” Leaked technical documents included in the lawsuits also show that the company helped its clients by transmitting the data gained through surveillance through an elaborate computer network. “We are pushing to make the law catch up with technology” and show that the spyware makers “are complicit in these privacy violations,” said Alaa Mahajna, an Israeli lawyer who filed the lawsuits in cooperation with Mazen Masri, a senior lecturer in law at the City University of London.

Anonymous ID: 1e70bf Aug. 31, 2018, 3:46 a.m. No.2814458   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Greece earthquake: 5.5-magnitude quake hits off coast at Methoni


Tremors strike region known for historic architecture

Anonymous ID: 1e70bf Aug. 31, 2018, 3:59 a.m. No.2814484   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4523

BlackRock Voted To Replace Musk With Independent Board Chair: Reuters


While the public grumblings over whether Elon Musk is qualified to lead Tesla, have been growing in recent weeks in the aftermath of the CEO's increasingly erratic public behavior and statements, one especially powerful name - in fact the world's largest asset manager - voted for a shareholder proposal to replace chairman Elon Musk with an independent director: BlackRock. According to Reuters, a BlackRock filing with the SEC showed that BlackRock-managed funds voted for a measure requiring the board chairman to be an independent director. Ultimately, the proposal was killed, when more than 86 million shares voted against it at the June shareholder meeting while fewer than 17 million voted in favor, but today is the first time that it emerged that BlackRock was one of the entities voting for. "BlackRock’s approach to investment stewardship is driven by our fiduciary duties to our clients, the asset owners," a BlackRock spokeswoman said in an emailed statement. "Our approach to engaging with companies and proxy voting activities is consistent with our commitment to drive long term shareholder value for our clients." Blackrock was not the only one to object: top proxy adviser Institutional Shareholder Services also supported the proposal, citing concerns about Musk’s pay and board independence, which in retrospect should have been heeded.


Musk, whose recent public disclosures have drawn sharp scrutiny from both the investing public and the SEC in the aftermath of the "going private" debacle - serves both as Tesla’s chairman and chief executive officer, and some corporate-governance activists have called for the role to be split between two people to improve oversight. Today is the first time it emerged that BlackRock was one of them. Tesla’s board - which in recent days has also attracted attention for being too close to Musk and may itself be in jeopardy over its handling of "funding secured-gate" - had said that the company’s success “would not have been possible” without Musk’s “day-to-day exposure to the company’s business.”


It may have to change its tune, however, as more investors side with Blackrock, which is the 7th largest Tesla stockholder and controls nearly 6.5 million of Tesla’s 170 million shares. On the other side of the aisle, Vanguard Group-run funds voted against the independent-chair proposal, a recent filing showed. Funds run by Fidelity Investments sided with Tesla on director votes and other controversial items this spring, earlier filings showed. Tesla is not the only company where BlackRock tried to bring more balance to the org chart: filings also showed it voted this year in favor of shareholder proposals at Facebook and Google parent Alphabet to give each shareholder an equal vote on governance matters. BlackRock withheld votes or voted against nearly all management recommendations at Netflix Inc, including an advisory vote on executive pay.

Anonymous ID: 1e70bf Aug. 31, 2018, 4:06 a.m. No.2814501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4515


Thank you anon, That is what I was getting at with the first post (attached from previous bread) based on credentials of Founder and COO..These are very bad actors trying to incite war with these countries.