Anonymous ID: 500213 Aug. 31, 2018, 2:26 a.m. No.2814280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4282 >>4320

can someone please help me with this??/


lawfag here…need to know if anyone knows anything about the Department of Defense Manpower Data Center?


Trying to find out if social workers for CPS would ever be authorized to access this sort of data center. According to the information I have they are accessing data under the "FINDRS" program….I have a website too if it helps….


I just need to understand why a social worker would be using information from the DoD? This LCSW included two screenshots of a computer screen with a program or data system with the parent's core identification on it which looks editable. Can someone steer me in the right direction on where to find out what the hell this lady was doing? I can send pics of this but would have to redact….please if anyone can help me out. You guys are better at this than me. ThanQ