Anonymous ID: c349fd Re:BIG Aug. 31, 2018, 2:46 a.m. No.2814333   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Remember Andrew Breitbart?




"Whats in your closet, John Podesta?

BIG Podesta?

BIG Soros?"


is BIG the related term to Little / Liddle (e.g.Schiff)? And clarifies if you like to fuck or get fucked by kids?

Video related

Anonymous ID: c349fd Aug. 31, 2018, 3:08 a.m. No.2814381   🗄️.is 🔗kun


A history book 2 decades ago wasnt including 9/11 to start with.


regarding WW1 / WW2

I know for sure that in the last 10 years the hypothesis that WW1 wasnt only Germany's fault has gone mainstream. For example Christopher Clark: "The Sleepwalkers" portraits WW1 as a multiple cause event. Dont know if he is talking about Rothschilds financing all sides too in there, its a biiiig book.