Anonymous ID: d81865 Aug. 31, 2018, 2:32 a.m. No.2814293   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4502

Dear Anons,

I can't help but think that THIS – the Vietnam POW/MIA – issue

has everything to do with McCrap exiting the stage.

I think this will become front and center and there may well be a parade. There is evidence that Americans are still alive in Vietnam.


This interview video starts out a bit funky – but gets very serious.

Excellent interview of a former Congressman who made it his mission to return the prisoners, and helped write this book.


=== – interview of former Congressman John Leboutillier

book: a product of 25 years of research

by North Carolina congressman Bill Hendon and attorney Elizabeth A. Stewart-

An Enormous Crime: The Definitive Account of American POW's Abandoned in Southeast Asia


  • presents evidence that 700 surviving U.S. airmen and infantry were marooned by the country

(Partial explanation in the video description)

– very compelling interview of Leboutillier; he was dedicated to saving these men

– talks about first-hand evidence of Americans left behind, from Pentagon

– talks about how hard he worked to get the prisoners back; corruption in politics

– the worst sin a gov can do to its citizens

– tells how Vietnamese learned from our screw up w/ Bay of Pigs – big fiasco

– Cuba had captured the troops who invaded; USA paid ransom to Cuba

– the rogue nations had a conference in Havana; and they saw the ransom paid

– America called it a "successful trade" and the prisoners became heroes

– this became a template for those rogue nations to use against America; RANSOM

– Paris Peace Agreement had two clauses on return of prisoners

  1. (8b) Vietnamese promised to gather all prisoners up in return for America "healing the wounds of war" – 4 days after signing the agreement, Nixon writes a letter to leader of Vietnam

saying that U.S. will give up to 4.75 billion in reconstruction aid – sent secretly w/o knowledge of Congress


(this letter was the deal made - but which Nixon could not keep)

thus no more Americans were released


– Vietnam turns over PART of the prisoners - 593 - not trusting Nixon to pay up

McCrap was in this group – their return was a big national event for America

(the discussion turns to McCain: called a horrible person, using POW status as protection –

his behavior on the POW issue is horrible – he damaged the fight to return prisoners - he refused to admit that any men remained behind – could have used his influence to return them, but did NOTHING)

– Pentagon likely used McCain and Ann Griffiths to quell the issue (a POW family member)

– He calls Kissinger the No. 1 criminal in this; knowingly left men behind

– all returning men were extensively debriefed; discovered two groups

Group A – picked to be returned; purposely kept separate from Group B

Group B – held for further ransom

stories of torture were revealed; Congress wanted to stop ANY aid to Vietnam

– Nixon WHouse got worried Hanoi would totally renege on returning the rest of them

– Congress NEVER voted to give Vietnam the money;

– Watergate broke out; Vietnam went on the back burner

– gov announces "there are no remaining POW/MIA"

– the gov still acts like those men are dead; they are still alive

– all pilots etc were given a code to use as a signal

– a satellite photo shows a picture "USA – K" or a "walking K" unique to that pilot – an "escape and evasion" code that identified him



Anonymous ID: d81865 Aug. 31, 2018, 3:06 a.m. No.2814376   🗄️.is 🔗kun


huge resource - might try search parameters "history textbook"


YT channel called "history buffs"

for audio books

search for "non-fiction history"

Anonymous ID: d81865 Aug. 31, 2018, 3:17 a.m. No.2814395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4419





methinks you can tell the difference between a person who has witnessed "wonderful evidence of a holy power"


and a person who has never experienced it


When you've witnessed it you don't need long explanations and reverberations


When you haven't witnessed it

you talk and act as if to conjure up some proof of it

and believe that you can force it

and that you must force others to submit to it


President Trump looks like he's seen a thing or two

and has no great need to prove anything to anybody