EXCLUSIVE FULL UNEDITED Interview of Putin with NBC's Megyn Kelly
Fluent in russia, she does not need to wait for translator….asks questions right away! Watch yourself!
I just watched this interview halfway through –
long enough to realize that Meghan Kelly is an instigator
she acts every bit like an operative
demanding answers to questions as if she has authority to ask anything she pleases without consequence
she makes accusations so many times it is sickening
I developed a certain respect for Putin as he fended off her accusations
and even sympathized that he has had to put up with this crap from the U.S.
When he speaks, he tries to appeal to reason and sanity
and the only response is some knee-jerk sensational tidbit
guaranteed to excite "the American housewife"
My response?? to Megan??
When you ask more than once
you are insulting the person you are interviewing.
They give an answer – you get what they give you.
You are not allowed to continue until all patience has been drained.
Those are interrogation tactics - useful as a form of torture.
Hey Megan – quit trying to start WWIII
Quit trying to start your own personal international incident.
Quit insinuating that you somehow represent the U.S. administration in some way.
Get your facts straight.
You give yourself away when all you come loaded with is BULLSHIT
and then keep rubbing that bullshit on people.
She should be prevented from doing any interviewing of any official within the diplomatic corps of nations.
She should stick to pedophiles. Maybe interview a few of those.