Anonymous ID: 74d11d Aug. 31, 2018, 5:32 a.m. No.2814895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4960


I didn't like when the Pope came to lecture to Congress and the USA; and addressed Congress to the accolades of the Press


The D.C. / NYC / LA / Sanfran are all alleged "cultured" which means "acculturated" "engineered" and they are proud of that. They don't realize they are handicapped.

"High IQ idiots"

"Battling the Matrix and Freeing Oneself from the Roger Rabbit Mental World"

It could be partly spiritual too; since spiritual people, who pray and love God, are much more likely to listen to the "other side" and to respect people / not make fun; smear others; but give people a chance and see the good.

(Not talking about phoney "religious" people, who are frauds. But about those who truly practice the precepts. like "Love thy Neighbor" etc. )

They claim Trump is not "Christian" but he practices "Respect of another human being" He even respects the criminals by not letting them get away with their shit, and giving them many chances to come clean.

They frame POTUS not only with "Russain Collusion" but by taking what he says out of context [of course they don't want to report what he really says, nor to take it seriously]

"Q" "great awakening" is so strange compared to what people are used to believing that they react with anger without first thinking; If they just slow down and reflect: look closer, everything should become clearer.

It makes people irritable to be shown something of which they were previously unaware?

Anonymous ID: 74d11d Aug. 31, 2018, 5:52 a.m. No.2814960   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Wow. I brought the nuts out.

Chip on your shoulder at all?



yeah, "Stoical" If I were there I would've been much more enthusiastic and supportive.

I'd have been cheering , for sure.

I think the News Media blanket of criticism, which is massive, even chills those who are Trump supporters?

Compare with a music venue? The crowd behind Trump had the enthusiasm of Classical Music supporters, not rock concert

The band music they played while we waited was beautiful old American music.

Why assume someone is criticizing when they are not?

Maybe it's just cultural differences, from how and where you were brought up?


There are many good people in California and also in New York ; so fuck off with your Bigotry.

And you assumed I was Jewish too?

See, all the Fruit Cakes don't come from the Coasts?

Anonymous ID: 74d11d Aug. 31, 2018, 6:19 a.m. No.2815065   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5076 >>5090

Dude is himself controlled opposition.

What a jerk!


ZeroHedge doesn't bring up "Q" . Naturally because that would interfere with his narrative.

He also doesn't bring up the crimes of the DeepState but conflates Trump and Trump's backers with the same.

Doesn't this image look like a man? Even with a shadow of an Adam's apple. She's right up there in terms of criminality - worked for W. Bush; Helped corrupt the SCOTUS with "Bush vs. Gore" Absolutely no respect for law.

I did some digging into her and really felt nauseous. Isn't she implicated in the signing of the fake warrant applications.

"She's " part of what the firewall is covering. She looks she could be as tall as Comey?


"friend of Comey"

Anonymous ID: 74d11d Aug. 31, 2018, 6:33 a.m. No.2815148   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5171 >>5218


Well, I read it carefully and the whole thesis is that President Trump will be behind a Right-ist Coup which will really be a Deep State operation.

total disinfo

Preparing people for the day the arrests come.

Preparing them to believe POTUS works for the evil people he and the military behind him are trying to defeat.

Did you read the article carefully all the way through?

Anonymous ID: 74d11d Aug. 31, 2018, 6:36 a.m. No.2815166   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They had a test on the street of one of these things years ago, Yes it does ID. And will notice if you touch or pick up something. It was labeled "Person of Interest"

It can also insert you into false landscapes.