Watching "Bury Him Already" and one of the first people to walk up knocked on the casket…… wtf is up with that? 2 knocks then 2 knocks
kek thought maybe it was masonic symbolism for something or some other bullshit
kek could be a signal "There is no Q"
G is almost the closest letter to Q other than O which would take 5 and 3
Indeed….. it could very well have been, I wasn't paying close enough attention.
They even have a parody commander.
this site is linked through that site… a signal to the anons?
what part of plausible deniability don't you understand?
sorry anon I wasn't there last bread.
Kek…. I actually did that…. I couldn't find current bread it wasn't showing up and everything I clicked on was at 750
did the ebake and then found current bread. Ugh.
well damn chan didn't give me the usual file already in the thread" and I wanted to comment and say that this is a great article and now the creator of the site got a Q you.
>What better way to enrage and awaken the masses, AND be sure knowledge of what happened is passed down generations to come. BC/HRC crimes go public AFTER being treated like heroic icons. We already know this, but a very large number worldwide are clueless or brainwashed, needs to END.
I've been saying that a thousand times here.
Indeed anon…. indeed. Piss the normies off good.
Send them out with a hell of a funeral and then the normies will be primed for good shit to come out about them (bad shit)