Q b a m a
trust Qbama
his whole team back from the kent massacre team worked hard to bring down the deep state not
stop anon, go and watch Q's crump to wedding anon, nice music video without any sick sublimnials to any shitty false flag massacre.
a great video for a wedding, huh?
40% Knowledge
for the people, we the people
99% knowledge
for special Qbama clique
trust me, it will put you in a hospital
source this, if you can
no fun zone?
>to preserve the republic-
to preserve his republic-
>things must remain buried
Qbama in charge of what gets buried and what not
just trust him
he is not a stranger from le internet with access to deep shit from le state
any wrongthink is called out as shills
>4AM talking points
skype cabal on twatter just got rekt by oldfags from an anime shitpost board
same shit, different day
>Board 502’d during ops last night.
dude, do you even check the timestamps of the blogs who posted about the take downs?
It happened hours before Qbama dropped the post.
keep all doors open when you larp
tension is high
this group is far away from being cracked
trust the plan
special deep state plan
yo, hotwheelz, consider taking newfags from combed halfchan and progressiv left plebbit for your larp army, as the best plan you ever had.
red pill these faggots hard