Anonymous ID: 485a11 Aug. 31, 2018, 12:29 p.m. No.2820136   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2820062 See Q drop 66 from last 11/2:

"Let's be clear - you're telling us POTUS is currently under attack by our own intelligence agencies?"

Anonymous ID: WBXFv1gI 147689362 📁 Nov 2 2017 19:19:28 (EST)


"Let's be real clear.

The CIA just attacked the Command and Chief which was immediately detected by NSA/MI and alerted to POTUS.

Re-review all my crumbs including today/yesterday/weekend.

What does this mean?

What actions are immediately occurring?

If this leaks, or the immediate action ongoing at Langley, you'll have your verification ahead of schedule.


Maybe our difficulty with, etc. is their getting back at us.