great new bot
la botf
this board is worst than /x/
great new bot
la botf
this board is worst than /x/
you want to be heard?
go to pol
make image with timestamp
and leak the shit out of the deep state
or stay here, do nothing, and play this akward qbama larp game
stop posting this
anons found creepy subliminal in this
fucking kent shooting, why even talking about? BO and shills and bots and bakers going full hamm on this
>i can't really drop any info because i have exposed myselfโฆ
fuck off
there are only two options
fight or die
lurk more
sorry, just getting angry about labotF incopetence.
qbama predictied this?
wrong, this is kent 2.0
be sure not top wake up one day and find out it was all qbama, stay strong hotwheelz anon.
we all agrreed not to talk about the kent digs
stop anon, please. It is still strange as fuck to see Q posting that video without warning of that sick subliminal!
just wait when it cracks
good luck qbama with your larp