Anonymous ID: 4532ae Aug. 31, 2018, 3:05 p.m. No.2822476   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The latest from voat regarding the Judith Barsi Pedowood investigation.


v/pizzagate needs your help. You guys are much better at spreading information, memeing, and spreading awareness than we are.


What we need is a massive meme war campaign (details in a link on bottom of the thread). Its time for Operation Yep Yep Yep to take wing. This case deserves A LOT more awareness and attention sent its way from patriots than it gets, and that's depressing.


I believe this is the case that can open Pandora's Box in terms of exposing Pedowood to the masses.


Q, if you're reading these breads right now…when its time for Steven Spielberg to be taken down, I want in on it. Just be sure to have some "detective garb" for a 6'2" 200 lb man ready for me XD. Only question being would I look better in the "Kirigiri" (purple peacoat, drab orange tie, black gloves/slacks, white shirt) or the "Akechi" (grayish tan peacoat, black slacks/gloves, black and white stripped tie, white shirt)?