Don't think we'll see perp walks, arrests of traitors either. They'll get the McStain send-off, die heros and be praised ad nauseam in the MSM. Maybe one day we might see all the JFK files, if the government thinks we can handle it and are worth it.
What about things being buried? No booms will drop and only some truths will come out. Nothing that will threaten the Republic or national security - which makes me think that no HRC or BHO truths will come out except corruption or comped emails. No Satanic shit, no pedophilia or sacrifice stuff. No hanging, no justice, no peace.
I've heard that to trace one's bloodline you follow the mother because you always know who the mother is and you can't always be sure of who the father is.
Q, with all due respect, the public doesn't see this, the public is apathetic and in survival mode. It will probably takes years for them to wake up organically at this pace. If the corruption is WW and you want to preserve the Republic, is it even possible to expose the WW corruption without damaging the Republic or causing any kind of instability in the governments of other nations? Will we have to keep supporting a failed WW system that has not served humanity for centuries now? Will the truth about HRC or BHO or about the cabal and the Satanic pedophilia and ritual children sacrifice and child trafficking cannibalism ever be released officially so the public can't ignore or deny it?