When immersed in this day-to-day, the pace feels glacial. It is not. Considering what is being revealed, this is moving very rapidly.
Yes. Get rid of FISC. It is an expensive charade designed to fool the public. Up to Congress to repeal the law. we lived without it up to 1973 or thereabouts. The government will always snoop to the limits of technology. Law is not a deterrent to government abuse. Here law is used to mislead the public, and the judges get bonus pay on the taxpayer dime.
P,X,Y,Z are all allowed targets .. all "under the umbrella" … of a FISA warrant against P
Civil remedy for violation of FISA has never been tested in court, as far as I know. 50 USC 1810 is untested.
Assuming contention is that Manafort, Pap, Page, and Flynn all have FISA warrants.
How would they find out? FISA warrant coming into a criminal case is near unheard of.