Allredcaps shill is back from vacation
Show me the way BACK in one picture so I know that ((you)) get it.
Ok, going to do your homework for you.
There's only 4 things in the manifest
Mass = Sensations
Energy = Emotions
Time = Thoughts
Space = Images
Now show me the picture of how to get back.
It gets posted on here everyday.
Read again anon
You've never had a thought without the corresponding the emotion. Nor have you ever had an emotion without the corresponding thought.
Descartes was talking about how animals were Machines when he wrote that.
They happen simultaneously.
You just haven't slowed down enough to realize it.
No one has ever experienced anything but
Thoughts, emotions, body sensations, and emotions. Which one you noticed first is what what makes people different but they ALL happened at the same time. It can not be any other way.