Anonymous ID: 2660f7 Aug. 31, 2018, 6:59 p.m. No.2825503   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2825004 (prev drop)

>>2825191 (prev)

The cabal is partially the Anglo-American Empire.

Cecil Rhodes promoted this concept.

CFR was an extension of Round Table.


Copy pasta from article pic related.


Murray then goes on to describe how a secret society established by the magnate Cecil Rhodes created the more open Round Table Movement. Both the secret society, called out in Rhodes' will, and the Round table had, per Murray, the "aim of maintaining and expanding the British Empire to re-incorporate the United States." Yes, this is the same Cecil Rhodes and the same Round Table that is behind the Rhodes Scholarship, awarded to Hillary's husband Bill in 1968. Amazingly this obscure figure from Arkansas had a meteoric rise to power after completion of his Rhodes-funded studies.


According to Murray's article, members of Rhodes' round table established in the US a group with the same intention of supporting the British Empire. It was called the "Institute of International Affairs." This group was funded by members of the JP Morgan circle and eventually merged with another Morgan-controlled group called the Council on Foreign Relations. Murray names the members of the CFR and their relation to JP Morgan interests. Murray's article goes on to describe how and why the CFR and the Round Table pushed for a second world war.


Sauce for article and then for Rothbard's

Wall Street Banks and American Foreign Policy

which is a must read if you're interested in Elite Power Analysis.

Anonymous ID: 2660f7 Aug. 31, 2018, 7:18 p.m. No.2825901   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I'm sure you'll agree that at the very least he is the best news aggregator on the planet.


Perhaps I could even get you to agree that he is an amazing story teller weaving a narrative based on facts.


How hard than is it to imagine that he is the protagonist in a


military intelligence operation carrying out psychological operations in support of POTUS


Mindwar if you will.


"Every battle is won before it's ever fought."

Knowledge is POWER.




Q Team is preparing the battlefield fighting an information war in an effort to win with minimal loss of life and disruption to world peace.


They are not close to MI, they are MI and this is their operation. Too bad you're a shill that can't get on board.




pic related