Anonymous ID: 27b6d0 Aug. 31, 2018, 7:28 p.m. No.2826117   🗄️.is 🔗kun



NOFORN (meaning "no foreign nationals") is applied to any information that may not be released to any non-U.S. citizen.





Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act established and authorized the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court


Who is accountable to Congress (civilian body)?


(a)ReportOn a semiannual basis, the Attorney General shall submit to the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives, the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate, and the Committees on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives and the Senate


Define 'State Secrets'.

The state secrets privilege is an evidentiary rule created by United States legal precedent. Application of the privilege results in exclusion of evidence from a legal case based solely on affidavits submitted by the government stating that court proceedings might disclose sensitive information which might endanger national security.


Process of obtaining a FISA warrant?


What must be DEMONSTRATED to be GRANTED?

The statute that created FISA Courts bars targeted electronic surveillance in the United States unless there is evidence that a foreign power or agent of a foreign power is involved. Also, there has to be evidence that the facility – an email address or phone number, for instance – is being used by the foreign power or agent. In addition, the government must show that the information to be collected is "relevant" to any investigation of foreign espionage or terrorism.


Who must SIGN OFF?

When an agency requests a warrant from the FISA Court, the request falls to one of the 11 judges who sit on the court. It is up to that judge to either deny or approve the request for a surveillance warrant. If the request is denied, there is an avenue for appeal of the ruling, but that has happened only a handful of times in the history of the court.


An alternate way a warrant for surveillance can be obtained is if the U.S. attorney general declares an emergency and authorizes the employment of the surveillance. The attorney general must notify a judge on the FISA Court, and must, within seven days, apply for a warrant for the action.


Can 'select' individuals in senior positions of power be SHADOW BANNED from ACTIVE FISA WARRANTS / SURV?