Anonymous ID: 2e78db Aug. 31, 2018, 7:27 p.m. No.2826090   🗄️.is 🔗kun




I offer a tale of a Kingdom

With a tower and a beauty inside

Each were loved very much by an Ogre

Whom many people, seemed to fear and despise.


He lived among fairy tale creatures

In a swamp, that he swore to defend

Against those who would seek to destroy us

And the corruption that ruled from within.


So he left a life filled with comfort

And did battle, throughout all the land

Where he met and he spoke to the people

And he told them all of his plans.


The Ogre then won a Great Victory

And he freed this great land from a ‘spell’

Now Q anon, with military justice

Will soon put them all, in a cell.


The “Great Awakening” is almost upon us

Our President kept his word. And stands Tall.

The Q team was there every moment

And now “Where we go one. We go All “ !