Anonymous ID: 44f9f8 Aug. 31, 2018, 7:28 p.m. No.2826118   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2825177 (lb)

>>2825104 (lb)

>>2825380 (lb)

Sorry - slow reader.

I agree with all of these but I'm not sure if you're saying they are black hats or flipped black hats.

I think Mueller and RR and ALL of them were and still are black hats. They are still actively pursuing a Coup. They are actively committing treason (involved with those from other Countries) and an insurrection/sedition. The meeting with POTUS was to try to walk through the front door (prob neverTrump- Romney too) They are ALL tied together - OButthead, Crooked and rapist, both Bush's (George the First an George the Second [get it - King George the III]) and ALL of their minions and ALL of their masters and handlers.

This puts the whole thing under RICO too. ALL Statutes of limitations are gone, it can be International and even lowly soldiers, aides and messengers are implicated in the WORST of ALL of the crimes. Not a LawFag but pretty sure this would be all part of the same on-going (30 yrs long at this point) crime soooo -I don't think any "secret pardon" for ALL prior crimes (IF handed out by OButthead) would prevent ALL of them from getting arrested because they are implicated thru RICO to crimes that are being committed POST pardon. (Assuming they aren't still actively committing crimes [extortion, blackmail, murder, treason, etc.] all on their own - which I think the are doing.)


PS - other lb posts I read about. Prior breads.

1) Letter from FISC implies it is still being weighed about whether or not THEY would release anything. Also that is a stall tactic. They are more than likely comp'd themselves since it has come to light that there is nothing to be seen of a transcript. Maybe there wasn't a transcript or maybe it was sooo incriminating, it has been denied/destroyed (in which case Q prob has it anyway).

2) I think the cabal was/is blackmailing members of the Supreme Court. Scalia too and he figured it out but rather than capitulate, he went to others and said "I'm being spied on.". He decided to come clean, take imprisonment for his crimes (seemingly REAL bad) and turn in the Totalitarian Regime to save the Country, esp. the Constitution. Kennedy's offenses were prob not too terrible and he resigned. Robert's was/is STILL being blackmailed and he will prob be one of the ones indicted (along with LOTS of other Fed, State and FISC Judges).


All of this is REALLY HUGE!