Anonymous ID: 59e000 Aug. 31, 2018, 7:07 p.m. No.2825654   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5672



Ok to be honest I've been a little skeptical because i dont wanna fall for a deep state op but how do you explaine Q predicting no names death right down to the minute Q is for sure real

Anonymous ID: 59e000 Aug. 31, 2018, 7:14 p.m. No.2825825   🗄️.is 🔗kun



So if you dont believe in Q why are you here kinda dont make sense unless you are here to sow doubt do you even under satand what Q means to people real or not its making people think for them selves and research people are awakening to whats going on and all the credit goes to Q so weather you believe or not is irrelevant