Anonymous ID: 9b5eb3 Aug. 31, 2018, 7:08 p.m. No.2825665   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5770

The biggest concern of all of this isn't that our trusted leaders abused the incredible powers of our intelligence apparatus, it's how many of our countrymen don't care. TDS isn't the media manipulating these people, it's simply the fact that they were vermin all along being brought to the surface for all to see.


These people deserve to die. Plain and simple. The LEAST we can do as patriots is to treat them like the scum they are, and to never, NEVER forget it, and to NEVER NEVER let others forget.

Anonymous ID: 9b5eb3 Aug. 31, 2018, 7:19 p.m. No.2825929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6079



You're misunderstanding, it's not a matter of "waking up" for the vermin I'M talking about, like I said these people aren't the way they are because they're being manipulated by the media, the media gave them the space to reveal WHAT THEY ARE. We are so blessed to have this rare set of conditions, in that it pushed this to the surface, not only that, but social media gives us an easy way to identify them all and list them! And we are about to have a national crisis that will involve social chaos, National Guard deployment, and large scale deportations at a minimum. This is a free chance to remove a cancer from this precious, precious nation, and we may never get such an opportunity again.


Just at the least, start spreading the idea that there is such an appetitie for such a thing.