Anonymous ID: 1b2cbd Aug. 31, 2018, 9:27 p.m. No.2828074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8094 >>8154 >>8202



Yes, David Duke used to be Grand Wizard of the KKK when he was only 23, but he was standing up for whites in the reverse discrimination that was going on at the time. He regrets certain things he may have said when he was young, like we all do. However, he's since got his doctorate and has devoted his life to helping humanity by exposing the cabal and Jewish supremacism, the real fight. I have come to learn that all the labels applied to him are just that, labels, and do not reflect the truly respectful and knowledgeable man he is. Of course they vilify him with everything they have, he's openly exposing them.