Anonymous ID: 35d02b Aug. 31, 2018, 9:04 p.m. No.2827681   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7756 >>7886 >>8071 >>8097 >>8310 >>8318 >>8393

Marty Torrey - Judicial Watch sauce:


The emails Judicial Watch released in March showed Clinton's battle with security officials over attempts to get her a secure Blackberry.


But beyond the content, the new emails are important for a number of reasons.


First, they show that Clinton was – and still is – lying about when she started using her account. In fact, the latest batch of emails prove that her private email address was already in wide circulation long before she claimed she started using it.


In addition to Morgan Stanley's Roach, the list of those who sent emails to Clinton's allegedly inactive email address includes Strobe Talbott, president of the Brookings Institution (a large, liberal think tank in Washington); Burns Strider, Hillary's "faith guru" and founding partner of the Eleison Group consulting firm; Dan Utech, who had just been named a senior adviser to Energy Secretary Steven Chu;

Clinton friend Marty Torrey;

and Sandy Berger, who was Bill Clinton's National Security Adviser.


Second, these emails where Clinton is conducting State Department business were being sent and received at a time when Clinton's server was completely unprotected.



Anonymous ID: 35d02b Aug. 31, 2018, 9:09 p.m. No.2827757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7886 >>8097 >>8310 >>8318

Little rabbits dig


Date 07.10.2016

UN child rights report slams Saudi Arabia


The Geneva-based surveillance committee said on Friday that despite some law reform Saudi Arabia still did not recognize girls as "full" legal subjects and left them exposed to the whims of male guardians, a discriminatory dress code and domestic violence, including marital rape.


A recommended international minimum age of 18 for marriage was still being ignored by Saudi judges, who "frequently authorized girls" to marry as soon as they reached puberty, the committee said.


In 2014, a religious leader had even declared himself to be in favor of girls' marriage from "9 years old" - a practice often misconstrued by judges as being in the child's "best interests," the committee said in its report published Friday.


Saudi Arabia should "unambiguously" prohibit the death sentence on children "in line with its obligations" under Article 37 of the Convention, the committee said.


Abuse and torture remained authorized, despite a royal decree nominally banning them, according to the report, and was frequently used to coerce juveniles into signing confessions. The watchdog called for public education on non-violent forms of disciplining children.



Anonymous ID: 35d02b Aug. 31, 2018, 9:19 p.m. No.2827932   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8097 >>8310 >>8318

Torrey shillin' Water systems:


PureSafe Water Systems, Inc.

(OTCBB: PSWS) Announces Signing Of A Strategic Consulting Agreement With

Captain Consultants, LLC - Marty Torrey, CEO


PLAINVIEW, N.Y., March 20, 2013 /PRNewswire/ – Leslie Kessler, CEO is pleased to announce it has reached a strategic consulting agreement with Captain Consultants, LLC ("CCLLC") and CEO Marty Torrey.


CEO Marty Torrey stated:


"It is my belief that PureSafe's mobile water treatment units are precisely what is needed in areas of the U.S. where water is available, but the quality is poor (be that civilian or military), and in foreign nations where access to potable water is a daily crisis faced by growing populations in evolving economies. I am convinced that

USAID, State Department, Department of Defense,

The Millennium Challenge Corporation and other agencies assigned the responsibility of providing potable water, will find PureSafe the solution to a growing problem. It is also my intention to introduce PureSafe to the Corporate Council on Africa (where I am a member) to determine which African nations will be most interested in moving quickly to secure PureSafe mobile units for their needy populations. My goal is to introduce PureSafe and its product to highly probable customers both domestically and abroad to secure orders (in parallel) as PureSafe moves forward with ETG and GEM."

