Anonymous ID: 49e698 Aug. 31, 2018, 9:14 p.m. No.2827831   🗄️.is 🔗kun

friend Marty Torrey messaged Clinton to alert her about the arrival of a newborn. At the end of the note, the one-time chief of staff to former Rep. John Sweeney added a note of encouragement: “Still think we need you as Pres.” Clinton forwarded the note to her assistants: “Pls do a congrats letter.” She made no acknowledgment of another White House run.

Anonymous ID: 49e698 Aug. 31, 2018, 9:30 p.m. No.2828119   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8142 >>8164

This is fucked up Marty Torrey sounds like they're organising human trafficking.


Original Message

From: Marty Torrey


To: Balderston, Kris M < >; H

Sent: Thu Apr 15 14:27:42 2010


Subject: Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking Jim Blom, Etc



Background All this separate from Simon's broader system(s) potential. Jim (James F.)Blom is Dave's former business


partner in Alacrity Homeland Group. Lives in San Francisco w/ wife and 2 kids. American, but well healed due to long

family history in Norwegian shipping companies. Grandfather was pals with Onassis. You get the picture. Has tight


linkage in supply chain & IT space(s). Deals in countries like you and I dealt with counties / states. Brilliant, resourceful.

Not prone to hyperbole, says he can bring the 'best in the world' to this effort Based on track record , I believe him. For


example, CdeBaca recently met with social networking folks in Silicon Valley. Not sure how that went, but Jim is close

friends with the guy who handles 'Facebook's' finances and said he can get his attention 'in one phone call'. Social


networking piece helpful, but probably a more aggressive 'identify, track, snag, deal with' traffickers required. Method(s)

& prioritization necessary. Let's look into. Spoke w/ Jim about CdeBaca connect. We're in. Best, Marty

Anonymous ID: 49e698 Aug. 31, 2018, 9:40 p.m. No.2828270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8310 >>8318 >>8323 >>8342



Clinton replaced the local HEAL Africa Christian group who had a clinic in Africa for women and babies, with a Norwegian team back in 2009 or so. The team was upset with being replaced as you can see in the email link below, and even though it sounds like they were doing a good job, Clinton replaced them with a Norwegians team.


And now this…


After the Norway Pedo network got busted, Norway pulled its funding from the Clinton Foundation!


Norway’s ministry of foreign affairs said that it has not renewed pledges it had with the Clinton Foundation which ended in 2015.


“Norway has signed several agreements which aimed to help reduce maternal and child mortality in countries with high mortality burden to ensure progress on the [Millennium Development Goals],” Guri Solberg, the communications adviser for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told Finansavisen.


They don't specifically mention HEAL AFRICA, but you can surmise by the context that they are referring to the HEAL AFRICA program.




Boom, Here's your man to handle the human trafficking via Norwegian shipping containers: Simon Stringer James F Blom. (I made a mistake and read the emails wrong. Simon Stringer may be a part of this, as I'll detail below, but it's James F Blom who is the man with all the connections and family history in Norwegian shipping containers.)


"…well healed due to long family history in Norwegian shipping companies. Grandfather was pals with Onassis. You get the picture. Has tight linkage in supply chain & IT space(s). Deals in countries like you and I dealt with counties / states. Brilliant, resourceful. Not prone to hyperbole, says he can bring the 'best in the world' to this effort Based on track record , I believe him. For example, CdeBaca recently met with social networking folks in Silicon Valley. Not sure how that went, but Jim is close friends with the guy who handles 'Facebook's' finances and said he can get his attention 'in one phone call'. Social networking piece helpful, but probably a more aggressive 'identify, track, snag, deal with' traffickers required"






As of April 21st Dave Stone's former business partner ( James F. Blom ), and I will establish 'Stone Harbour,LLC' (named for Dave) in Delaware. This will be a nice merger of Dave's and my contacts. Apart from the ongoing vetting of Simon Stringer's multi purpose software, at several levels, I am keen to help in the human trafficking effort."


Am I crazy or is this getting intense? There's a lot here, please anyone with time please help research this.




I just realized DAVE STONE mentioned above is "Dave Flintstone" from the Hawaii connection threads


UPDATE 3: speculative at this point… but disturbing and needs to be looked into for connections…


Now what about Simon Stringer? its an interesting mention in the email above regarding "multi-purpose software, at several levels".


I strongly believe the Simon Stringer they are referring to is this guy:


who is a director and major researcher in Artificial Intelligence and Experimental Psychology.


Get this, they have an Oxford BabyLab:


What better way to get babies for Experimental Psychology then with the help of an international child trafficking king pin like the Clinton Foundation?


Note: Cdebaca mentioned above is Ambassador Luis Cdebaca, he basically does the ground work, finds the places around the globe where human trafficking is ripe, and provides the intel to HRC as seen here: