Anonymous ID: 4f3d4b Aug. 31, 2018, 9:05 p.m. No.2827707   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Name ONE single non-white country who’s people are at risk of becoming a minority.

You can’t, there are none.

>Name ONE single white country who’s people AREN’T at risk of becoming a minority.

You can’t, there are none.

>That’s because there is a program of white geNOcide.

They say it’s “anti-racist”, but it’s simply anti-white.

Anti-Racist is a code for Anti-White.

Anonymous ID: 4f3d4b Aug. 31, 2018, 9:10 p.m. No.2827771   🗄️.is 🔗kun


also horus the White Rabbit of White Rabbit Radio, also check out Beefcakes Bootcamp, on the old jewgles there man


>If I hated a race, I might campaign to flood all of their countries with MILLIONS of people that are not their race, and tell everyone to “mix in” until no people of that kind were left.

If anyone objected, I would scream the R-word! at them and get them fired from their jobs.

If I hated a certain race, I might do that, but I am not doing that.

>Anti-Whites are doing it to White people in EVERY & ONLY White countries.

It’s WHITE geNOcide!

Anti-Racist is a code for anti-White.


Thanks Horus bro

Anonymous ID: 4f3d4b Aug. 31, 2018, 9:12 p.m. No.2827813   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>waited all my life


>Imagine if Saudi Arabia was being flooded with a plethora of foreigners

Chinese, Mexicans, Africans, Europeans etc, all flooding into Saudi Arabia.

Imagine if those foreigners started making babies with the Saudi women.

Imagine how much brainwashing it would take to convince the Saudi men to call each other “racist” if they objected to this.

>Hard to imagine the Saudi men being so stupid isn’t it?

>Welcome to the world of White anti-Whites

Anti-racist is a code for anti-White

Anonymous ID: 4f3d4b Aug. 31, 2018, 9:17 p.m. No.2827892   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>Why is it that EVERY white country is forced to be multicultural/multiracial?

Why is it that EVERY white country is told to end its own race/culture?

>No one asks that of -ANY- non-White country.

Immigration/assimilation is FORCED upon ONLY White countries

Anti-whites call themselves “anti-racists” but their actions lead to the elimination of only one race, the White race.

>The purpose of “anti-racism” is to genocide White children.

Anti-racist is a code for anti-White

Anonymous ID: 4f3d4b Aug. 31, 2018, 9:21 p.m. No.2827976   🗄️.is 🔗kun


pretending niggers are not average 85IQ means we have to pretend its our fault when they fail at janitoring


truth is out thoug kike fag


>If I hated a race, I might campaign to flood all of their countries with MILLIONS of people that are not their race, and tell everyone to “mix in” until no people of that kind were left.

If anyone objected, I would scream the R-word! at them and get them fired from their jobs.

>If I hated a certain race, I might do that, but I am not doing that.

Anti-Whites are doing it to White people in EVERY & ONLY White countries.

It’s WHITE geNOcide!

Anti-Racist is a code for anti-White.

Anonymous ID: 4f3d4b Aug. 31, 2018, 9:23 p.m. No.2828005   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>Excuse me, but could any sane person not realize that flooding EVERY & ONLY White countries with MILLIONS of non-Whites and telling everyone to “assimilate” to create a blended humanity IS white GENOCIDE?

Africa will still be full of Africans

Asia will still be full of Asians

Only White children will suffer from this insanity.

iT’s wHitE geNOcide

>Except they don’t call it GENOCIDE when it’s done to White children.

They call it “diversity”

>Anti-racist is a code for anti-White

Anonymous ID: 4f3d4b Aug. 31, 2018, 9:31 p.m. No.2828137   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8160

Don't give up


>1) Try to imagine how much brainwashing it would take to convince all the Asians in the world, that within their own countries, they need to go ahead and replace their children and grandchildren with Mexicans

2) Now imagine that they were so totally mind conditioned and brainwashed, that they really believed it would be “RACIST” not to???

>If you manage to do that: Welcome to the

world of the White Anti-Whites!!

There’s NOTHING dumber than a White Anti-White

Anti-racist is a code for anti-White


wonder who did the brainwashing?

Anonymous ID: 4f3d4b Aug. 31, 2018, 9:34 p.m. No.2828172   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>Imagine how much brainwashing it would take to convince the Japanese to flood Japan with NON-Japanese until they themselves become a minority

To convince them to force affirmative action AGAINST THEMSELVES with all those NON-Japanese

That this “diversity” is a strength

And to convince them that it would be “racist” to NOT do this to themselves

No need convincing WHITE anti-whites of this in EVERY white country, they’re already convinced

>Anti-Racist is a code for Anti-White

Anonymous ID: 4f3d4b Aug. 31, 2018, 9:37 p.m. No.2828217   🗄️.is 🔗kun


jews are fake? go on?


why they got kicked out 350 times? all the goyims fault? everytime? hahahahah


>If I hated a race, I might campaign to flood all of their countries with MILLIONS of people that are not their race, and tell everyone to “mix in” until no people of that kind were left.

If anyone objected, I would scream the R-word! at them and get them fired from their jobs.

If I hated a certain race, I might do that, but I am not doing that.

Anti-Whites are doing it to White people in EVERY & ONLY White countries.

It’s WHITE geNOcide!

>Anti-Racist is a code for anti-White.


you finna got dabbed on muhfugger

Anonymous ID: 4f3d4b Aug. 31, 2018, 9:39 p.m. No.2828257   🗄️.is 🔗kun

night faggots and jews/other shitskins


>Why are ONLY white children taught to “embrace” racial diversity as they become minorities in Europe and ALL the lands their ancestors fought & died for with blood, sweat & tears?

>For thousands of years they fought & died to defend their lands for their beloved white children

>But now the anti-white establishment is destroying the white race by flooding EVERY & ONLY white countries with MILLIONS of non-whites and FORCE assimilating them

iT’s wHitE geNOcide

>Anti-Racist is a code for Anti-White