Anonymous ID: a817cc Aug. 31, 2018, 9:06 p.m. No.2827713   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Where do most eastern european women wind up after being trafficked post 1990?


turkey -israel, tel aviv. -> saudi arabia








barbary piracy?

barbary raids?

southern russia tartar raids?


middle east = cesspit of humanity.


women and children from all over the world are trafficked into these regions to be raped, gang raped, abused, and thrown to the garbage pile like pig food.


paki gangs must be killed.

muzzy scum must be exterminated.



Anonymous ID: a817cc Aug. 31, 2018, 9:18 p.m. No.2827920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8203 >>8318


>white rabbit



white rabbit leads alice down the rabbit hole into the wonderland.


huma abdine and her ilk.

muzzy brotherhood.


above are facilitators in child trafficking and grooming gang meeting points.


watch pakis, muzzies, and other scum in your neighborhoods carefully.


See something, say something. anonymous call, public push back.

mosques, 'community centers'.




CA, TX, MI, MN, GA, NY, VA, MD, PA, NJ especially heavy with muzzy concentration.

Do NOT let your guard down in fly over states.

CO and IL are main traffficking points.

IA and MO under heavy pressure + WI.


These scum are present in idaho, mainly through their contacts in UT and cucked mormon LDC church there.


WA and OR transfer points to canada and BC, work in conjunction with local street gangs (latino, asian).

Anonymous ID: a817cc Aug. 31, 2018, 9:22 p.m. No.2827992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8065


white rabbit:


"Personality: In his article "Alice on the Stage" Carroll wrote "And the White Rabbit, what of him? Was he framed on the "Alice" lines, or meant as a contrast? As a contrast, distinctly. For her 'youth', 'audacity', 'vigour', and 'swift directness of purpose', read 'elderly', 'timid', 'feeble', and 'nervously shilly-shallying', and you will get something of what I meant him to be. I think the White Rabbit should wear spectacles. I'm sure his voice should quaver, and his knees quiver, and his whole air suggest a total inability to say 'Boo' to a goose!"[1]


Overall, the White Rabbit seems to shift back and forth between pompous behavior toward his underlings, such as his servants, and grovelling, obsequious behavior toward his superiors, such as the Duchess, and the King and Queen of Hearts, in direct contrast to Alice, who is reasonably polite to everyone she meets. He watches from the side-lines and awaits things to happened, then comes to the rescue mainly for Alice. "


WHITE RABBITS: alice (HRC's) globalist handlers and seeming pawns.

The fucking 'butlers'.

Last line = muzzies in SA, MB, huma abdine, CAIR. Fits them to a T.

HRC = broken, corrupt, treasonous ALICE.