Anonymous ID: edd3d3 Aug. 31, 2018, 9:24 p.m. No.2828024   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Repost with more clarity

Who is Tamera Luzzatto, what is “weopons of mass construction” and what is Evies crib? .

What does pew research do? Non partisan Polling on current trends.

In the email found on the link Q posted. Tamera promises to support HRC with “weopons of mass construction” to influence the public. Pew does this using “Polling” and journalism as POTUS and Q mentioned today.


Tamera is closely associate with our favorite pedo and provides him entertainment in the form of three children in a heated pool.

She also has a raw and uncut site of small children.

how appropriate and professional for an executive at pew research.