Marty Torrey someone at voat researched the shit out of him please read.
Get this, they have an Oxford BabyLab:
What better way to get babies for Experimental Psychology then with the help of an international child trafficking king pin like the Clinton Foundation?
Note: Cdebaca mentioned above is Ambassador Luis Cdebaca, he basically does the ground work, finds the places around the globe where human trafficking is ripe, and provides the intel to HRC as seen here:
Then the CF swoops in, in the name of humanitarian efforts or course, like they did in Haiti, proven, as Laura Silsby was convicted, and the email chain shows how they do it with groups like NLCR, just a little backstory in case you're new and think this is crazy:
New Life Children's Refuge (NLCR) run by guess who, Laura Silsby, had a nice little operation where they fly in their NLCR/CVBC teams from Las Vegas, to Haiti. (Yes I know personally about the private air fields in LV). They transport the children, to the Dominican Republic, where they host foreign "adopting families" in a Seaside Villas at Playa Magante for 60-90 days. Bear in mind, they're doing exactly the same thing that was done before but putting a nice veneer on it.
UPDATE 4 – Marty Torrey
But first a little More on James F Blom, Generation Origin, partnered w Admiral David Stone
Marty Torrey is very close with Clinton you can read here, so much so, that his grandson, who was 10 at the time, Brendan Torrey, gained HRC's undivided attention during a book signing, for several minutes, as she took keen interest in the child…
lets dig into Marty Torrey…
his linkedin:
scroll down, 3 of his groups have to do with African Development, and he's in some organization called Corporate Council on Africa, interesting, but theres more
he started Captain Consultants LLC in 2003, from what I can gather it has to do with…
Acoustic engineering and consulting services, aerial surveying, cargo checkers, marine, and telecom, (thats quite an interesting list of business services which would be quite useful in human trafficking especially with cargo ships)
Marty Torrey is connected to Simon Stringer,
so thats Marty Torrey, Simon Stringer, James F Blom, and Admiral David Stone all connected in some way now with human trafficking and Africa if you're keeping score
Announcement of memorial service for Admiral David M Stone with link for donations instead of flowers to is no longer around, but there's a lot of stuff archived from the wayback machine, at, that I haven't had time to look through. David Stone was on the Board of Directors for Forgotten Children.
It said "he has special interests in education of young people".
Interestingly, his wife Faith Stone was also on the Board for Forgotten Children. For some strange reason, she was also involved in grass-roots organizations that care for "stray and abandoned animals" both in the United States as well as Italy and Bahrain (thats an Arab monarch in the Persian Gulf between Qatar and Saudi Arabia, wtf, is that a little strange to say the least? Are we actually talking about "stray animals" or something far more sinister?)
Forgotten children participated in 2 virtual shopping services
the rabbit hole goes very deep and in all directions. I feel almost lost at this point but I