Anonymous ID: 15d69d Aug. 31, 2018, 10:57 p.m. No.2829223   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9232 >>9254 >>9273 >>9289 >>9315 >>9403 >>9775 >>9850 >>9913

Hillary + Saudi Arabia + Trafficking


Alice In Wonderland author Lewis Carroll: Pedophile

Alice Liddell: Cheese

Lorina Liddell: Cheese pizza model (say "cheese," Lorina)


Was Lewis Carroll a Pedophile? His Photographs Suggest So



This year marks the 150th anniversary of Lewis Carroll’s masterpiece, the wildly imaginative book Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865).

But the recent discovery of a shocking image within his photograph collection has upstaged the celebrations, suggesting that the English author’s interest in children might not have been so innocent after all.


It is an image of a pubescent girl called Lorina Liddell in the nude in a full-frontal pose


Lorina was the elder sister of Alice Liddell, the little girl who inspired the famous Alice character.

Carroll befriended the Liddell family, and became infatuated with the couple’s daughters: Lorina, Edith, and, especially, Alice.


Portrait de Lorina Liddell, soeur de Alic

by Carroll, Lewis (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson called 1832-1898), attr.


BBC investigates whether Lewis Carroll was 'repressed paedophile' after nude photo discovery



The BBC is to broadcast a controversial new documentary exploring whether Lewis Carroll was a 'repressed paedophile', on the 150th anniversary of his beloved children’s book Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.


The story of the real inspiration of Carroll’s children’s book is already relatively well-known, with the fictional Alice being based on young Alice Liddell, the daughter of the Dean of Christ Church and his neighbour.


Alice and her sisters, Lorina and Edith, feature in Carroll’s novels, with a host of surviving photographs taken by the author of Alice already published.


But, towards the very end of filming, programme-makers discovered a photograph which led the show to take a darker turn. … Alice’s elder sister entirely nude


Found in a French museum with an inscribed attribution on the frame saying it was by Lewis Carroll and of Lorina Liddell, it shows an “uneasy” pubescent model in her teenage years.


… it may help to explain a rift in the family which saw Carroll drop contact with the children suddenly


It was on one of these picnics (4th July 1862), when Alice was aged ten years old, that Carroll created the story of Alice in Wonderland.

Following pleas from Alice to write it down, Carroll did so, and the story that we know today was published 1865.


But within this time, all ties between the Liddell family and Charles Dodgson had been cut off, and the pages of Carroll’s diary that could hold clues mysteriously ripped out, most likely by a Dodgson decedent.


Saudi Arabia – The Bloody Wonderland



The list of Riyadh’s crimes and human rights violations through cruel and disproportionate punishment is extensive.

We haven’t even discussed the cruelty of punishment for adultery.

It is important to note that a person who was sexually abused will get no protection from the Saudi state, instead they will be punished for adultery as well, since the fact that a person filed a complaint is regarded as an admission of committing this offense.

Therefore, official statistics in Saudi Arabia for sexual assault is close to zero, because the victims are unable to defend themselves in any way.

Anonymous ID: 15d69d Aug. 31, 2018, 11:16 p.m. No.2829379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9395

Saudi Arabia: Wonderland for sex traffickers


Some women, primarily from Asia and Africa, are believed to be forced into prostitution in Saudi Arabia.


After running away from abusive employers, some female domestic workers are kidnapped and forced into prostitution.


Children from South Asia, East Africa, and Yemen are subjected to forced labor as beggars and street vendors, facilitated by criminal gangs. A government study conducted in 2011 reported most beggars in Saudi Arabia are Yemenis between the ages of 16 and 25.


Migrants from Yemen and the Horn of Africa enter Saudi Arabia illegally—sometimes with the help of smugglers—via the Yemeni border; some of them may be trafficking victims.


Some Saudi nationals engage in sex tourism in various countries worldwide. The Saudi government did not report efforts to address child sex tourism by Saudi nationals abroad through any law enforcement efforts.


Some Saudi men used legally contracted “temporary marriages” to sexually exploit young girls and women—including Syrian refugees—overseas.


The government demonstrated progress in its efforts to provide protection services to domestic workers, particularly in its social welfare center in Riyadh; however, victims of sex trafficking and male trafficking victims remained unprotected and vulnerable to punishment.