Anonymous ID: 82e873 Aug. 31, 2018, 11:37 p.m. No.2829526   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9744

Praise God, Potus has put a stop to this sick, sick business


Basically this is non-parental child theft by the Saudi princes and their associates. The Saudi princes and their associates purchase US children both male and female as sex slaves. Saud princes are willing to pay dearly for the right quality child (product) and consider virgins as the top of the line. The children are usually shipped in private planes or boats by Saudi princes. They are drugged to be malleable so as not to make disturbances. Some are recruited within the United States or Northern Europe for fictitious jobs as models or actresses while others are purchased from local procurers. 


Once in Saudi Arabia the girls and boys are whisked off to the palace of the purchasing prince. A prince is absolute ruler of his compound. Architecturally, the compounds are designed with slave quarters included. Within the palace walls whatever the prince says goes, there are no government restrictions to his will. 


If a slave escapes they are immediately brought back by the Saudi security police to the responsible prince who may do with them as he pleases. They rarely escape since they spend most of their time within the confined parts of the palace compound under supervision. When the prince entertains his male friends he provides them with both male and female child sex slaves for their enjoyment. If he tires of a child sex slave he will sell it to another prince or sheik……

…..Saudi princes are also reported to place "special order for children" through a picture of the child in a media or give a description of a desired child.  In these cases the child is "snatched" from their parents or escorts in front of their houses; coming from school or at a store. It is believed that the child reaches Saudi Arabia before the local police develop a search procedure. …….

…….Saudi special orders for Child Slaves are placed in various cities with their local procurers from the barrios of Brazil, London's Leicester Square, Paris's Place de Pompidou and many such posh areas in the world. Due to the recent lax border regulations in Scandinavia, the Princes now get their fair haired child sex slaves from immigrant procurers. In the United States shopping malls, amusement parks and video parlours are prowled by procurers. ….(cont.)

