Anonymous ID: 86f18f Aug. 31, 2018, 11:12 p.m. No.2829356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9386 >>9775 >>9850 >>9913

Thinking about Alice In Wonderland, i remembered Heather O'rourke wore an alice outfit.

Then in file i reminded of her dressed in striped pajammas, similar to the child in the Krampus prop.


This props are expensive, and only rich people would have them. They have alot of Y heads , sacrifice, and other sick statues.

Anonymous ID: 86f18f Aug. 31, 2018, 11:40 p.m. No.2829541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9566

I saw the story yesterday about people in Mexico wrongly executing an innocent couple( by setting them on fire) because they thought they were kidnapping children.


Now there is a second story of them killing a farm worker and his nephew.


Why all of sudden are they going after suspected child traffickers? and taking juustice into their own hands/

Do those people know something, or rumors spread about what the cabal have been doing?

Maybe they heard about it, and are highly suspicious? or have they had many children disappear over the years?


Shocking moment angry mob burns two suspected child kidnappers ALIVE after storming a Mexican police station and dragging them to the street - only for the duo to later be declared INNOCENT

GRAPHIC WARNING: People may find video disturbing

Alberto Flores Morales, 53, and Ricardo Flores Rodriguez, 21, uncle and nephew, were attacked and slaughtered by a crowd in the Mexican state of Puebla

The pair had been suspected of kidnapping minors by the residents of San Francisco Boqueron

A group of people intercepted their truck and forced them out, beating them before the police were able to secure their safety

The men were transported to a police station house where about 150 people converged and stormed the command center

Morales and Rodriguez were being kept inside a jail cell.

Univision acquired an independent video that shows residents forcing them out and dragged out

The crowd continued to attack the duo in a town plaza before setting them on fire, killing them both

The state prosecutor's office issued a preliminary report ruling Morales and Rodriguez were innocent of any crime


Mexican couple is burned to death by vigilantes who WRONGLY suspected them of attempting to kidnap an 11-year-old boy, in the second such attack in the country in three days

An angry mob set a man and a woman on fire with gasoline on Thursday in Mexico

The inhabitants in the town of Santa Ana Ahuehuepan intercepted the couple as they drove in a pickup truck, suspecting them to be children kidnappers

The man died on the scene while the woman died in the hospital from her injuries

It's the second lynching in Mexico this week involving innocent people mistaken for child abductors

The first one took place Wednesday when two men were beaten in the state of Puebla

They were under police custody but a crowd attacked the station house and took them from their jail cell before burning them alive outside the command center

Anonymous ID: 86f18f Aug. 31, 2018, 11:45 p.m. No.2829568   🗄️.is 🔗kun

another thing i noticed, is that the McStain funeral and Aretha Franklin funeral had a common theme.





Anonymous ID: 86f18f Sept. 1, 2018, 12:10 a.m. No.2829727   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Bo thank you for reposting.

However, reading their descriptions as to what qualifies, sounds like half the clothing ads for children, would be banned, kek

Or some of the outfits they have teens wearing on runways.

Or like when tom hanks was on jimmy Kimmel, and did comedy video about child pageants, called sexy baby contest.


Their society has sexualised children and tried to make it mainstream.


just saying kek

Anonymous ID: 86f18f Sept. 1, 2018, 12:28 a.m. No.2829819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9835



same thing happened to my mom, became basically a vegetable on chemo. I regret not having her try pot.( because of the societal stigma) , it would have helped her in so many ways.

What they did to her( long story), and how she died, was the most horrible thing i ever witnessed. She died in a cramped up fetal position, looking like a person from a concentration camp,and racked with pain. ( they refused her an iv, after they gave her a dye, that gave her sores all over her mouth and throat, making her unable to drink water, or eat, so she starved, and we begged for an iv,



They would only give us a big bottle of liquid morphine

, this was after they had collapsed her lung, and accidentally stabbed her with needles, etc, etc.

She went from being a little bit dizzy, to that end, within 5 months.

Anonymous ID: 86f18f Sept. 1, 2018, 12:53 a.m. No.2829925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9938 >>9941





Olsen twin symbols & connections to french presidents, and their history


That would be mu summary, unless person who posted has a better one, kek

and you can add heath ledgers death, to end of line, if it will fit, but i think the french president connections are more notable.