Anonymous ID: ad8ffd Aug. 31, 2018, 11:42 p.m. No.2829555   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anon posted link to pdf re: bloodline families that is actually one of the better I;ve seen. not comprehensive but what there is goes further into the background of the individual rather than family. One is Disney quite detailed including




During the 1950’s, ‘60’s, and ‘70’s at least 90% of the Illuminati’s trauma-based mind-controlled slaves were subjected to watching Disney’s Fantasia film in order for them to build the foundational imagery of the mind-control. Child mind-control victims had their eyes taped open, and then sat one on-one

with their primary programmers so that the programmers could give the scripts as the child watched Disney’s Fantasia over and over. What made Fantasia unique as a programming tool is that it had almost everything the programmers needed to create the foundational imagery for their trauma based mind-control. To build a dependable alter system means that the worlds need a solid foundation. Fantasia has provided the means to get a solid foundation for the internal worlds that the Illuminati slaves build in their mind. It is also a masterpiece in coordinating color and music.

The Disney film Fantasia which premiered on Nov. 13, 1940 (at Broadway Theater in NYC) was a financial disaster as a movie, but was an Illuminati programming masterpiece. The film was released to theaters in ‘40, ‘46, ‘56, ‘63, ‘69, ‘77, ‘82, ‘85, ‘90 in order to catch every generation of children.

The video was released in 1991. During programming much of the child slave’s mind will watch the 50 film. One particular part (alter) will be forced to memorize everything in the film. This small part (small alter) is well hidden in each victim’s mind. This small alter, who has a vivid and total recall of the film Fantasia, is locked carefully away so that ONLY an access code will pull him/her up


>How the Disney Executives have figured out how to steal land all across the U.S.

Over the years Walt Disney has developed several very sneaky reliable techniques to acquire land.

They acquire land through their executives and large stockholders and family members of the execs and stockholders. After all the deals are made in an area, and when everything is in place over a period of time, these people then turn their land over to Disney. Disney works with government officials and local bankers to line up special deals so they can succeed in their plans. After everything is lined up, the corporation announces their plans and goes forward. This methodology has been used repeatedly, for instance the American History Theme Park in the Manassas Civil War battlefield area of Virginia for which Disney has acquired 1,800 acres and has access to at least 1,200 more. In Nov. ‘94, after a new Virginia governor was elected, the Virginia "Disney’s America"project was announced, and Virginia voted almost instantly for the money for transportation and infrastructure

improvements to the area so that Disney’s theme park would be viable. Disney set up 3 banks in Napa, CA. Their banks made loans to old families in the valley. The trusts and the wills for these families were made up by Stanford Univ. grads. These people set on the boards of these banks or connect with the boards of these banks. They charge large fees, and know every trick in the book to

rob people of their estates and their living trusts. The Stanford grads, who connect in with intelligence agencies & the mob use certain code words when they set up their businesses, such as RESOURCE,

EVERGREEN and PACIFIC. There are a number of scared landholders who are being intimidated to sell their land in the Napa Valley region.


Just prior to W.W. II, the FBI recruited Walt Disney. His job was to spy on Hollywood or anything else that looked suspicious.




The link to pdf file was dropped earlier but for anyone digging deeper into bloodline connections, good resource

Anonymous ID: ad8ffd Sept. 1, 2018, 12:19 a.m. No.2829785   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I agree with you. of course no one should just decide to use it on their own if they are seeking therapeutic application, each person, each cancer all that stuff is taken into consideration by a trained 'cannabisologist' AND the property of cannabis cbd, is what treats cancers, seizures etc. has all the properties that gets people high removed

Anonymous ID: ad8ffd Sept. 1, 2018, 12:21 a.m. No.2829793   🗄️.is 🔗kun

okay back to white rabbits.


I didn't see that they were directly related to hrc in Q drop but I assumed it did…. does it. Also doesn't mention how many we should look for