Anonymous ID: e7ce2b Aug. 31, 2018, 11:43 p.m. No.2829557   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9585 >>9606

Hey Anons, been doing some late night catchup on the recent Q drops, thought this was worth pointing out:


The second to last Q drop contained images to some of Alex Podesta's "artwork."


Q's been on a bender lately telling us to "Follow the Wives" - What do we know about Alex's wife?


Here's what I've been able to find out so far…


Her name's Arwen Podesta, she's "a psychiatrist who specializes in addiction medicine and uses holistic practices like acupuncture and massage therapy as an alternative to painkillers."



Sauce 2:


Pic 2: Podesta Wellness works with adolescents and children?


What if white rabbits aren't necessarily the children? What if White Rabbits are assets in the form of disinformation/distraction campaigns?


Thinking about school shooters.

Thinking about "random" Fort Lauderdale Airport shooter.


Is child trafficking where they procure and indoctrinate these kids into doing this kind of thing?


Been a long night, might be overthinking.