Anonymous ID: 16ba82 Sept. 1, 2018, 3:35 a.m. No.2830345   🗄️.is 🔗kun Here is a paste of the Hillary in Wonderland stuff - It keeps showing up and now we have those creepy rabbits… I think, and I'm still working on the theory about this… that the "use of Alice" is just using a little girl to create a blackmail trap. Hillary and the Bloody (6) wonderland on the other hand is the getting of such children perhaps through Haiti…


There's also some connections between Alice/MK Ultra/LN/LEN/Alan Phonetic games with alphabet codes - still working on it, anyway, mostly I just wanted to share that pastebin I might return later with a code break on some of the rest.


Tho the Hillary in Wonderland stuff.. and yes it's "And" but he also mentioned this book, and there's a lot of interesting stuff in there, like cutting into the middle finger - which is what they always post of Podesta - but ok, back to work