In case you wanted to know why eliminating NAFTA was so important. - page 21
Rabbit hole goes DEEP
Thank you POTUS
In case you wanted to know why eliminating NAFTA was so important. - page 21
Rabbit hole goes DEEP
Thank you POTUS
Your thinking might not be too far off.
Referenced document does emphasize that high IQ individuals are selected for these types of tasks.
Could be the purpose for the various "gifted" programs in schools.
Shocks induce emotion. And as Q notes,
>Emotion clouds judgement.
A group of individuals shocked into the same emotion sans judgement amplfies the desired effect of the emotion exponentially while allowing the effect to be controlled by those who are experts at manipulating emotions.
Or as Rahm put it, "Never let a crisis go to waste."
Yup. This one too.